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F&E: "The Search for Khanarak Thunderhide"; lvl 6
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Post #31: 12th Feb 2021 1:07 AM 
Khanarak's disappearance did not fill Murder Bunny with worry, nor did he exactly revel in it. Instead he felt...wonder. Things really were heating up on this quest. This is what he had signed up for. The thought that a heavily armored minotaur could be swept away without anyone noticing frankly excited him quite a bit.

But then again, the reason could be disappointingly innocuous. For all he knew, Khanarak could've had one drink too many and wandered into some pig sty somewhere.

What he did know is what was right there in front of him. A giant, well over ten times his size. A worthy challenger.

##Use Health Potion
##MQ1 - B: Forget Khanarak
##BQ1 - B: Dexterity, measuring agility
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Post #32: 12th Feb 2021 10:00 AM 
AhrNav @ 11/2/2021 21:32
##buy reverse time for Downtime MQ

While looking around the deserted Langdale, you hear a ticking sound coming from one of the abandoned market stands. Sitting face up in the middle of the stand count top, as if waiting for you, sits a time piece. Curious, you grab hold of it in your similarly mechanical hands and wind the crooked hour hand backwards.

Tock. Tick.
Tock. Tick.
Tock. Tick.

Your memory warps. Things feel...different. You look across the town square and gaze at the fountain where you had once bathed and found a key...but its unfamiliar to you. You look over at Priggat, who you recall joining a drinking contest with and winning a sum of twenty gold. You look down at the dent that the mimikey made when it bit your finger. In a flash, it reverts. You study your finger curiously, no pain. Not anymore.

You shrug it off and rejoin the group.
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Post #33: 12th Feb 2021 10:04 AM 
You don't have a healing potion MB! Unless I missed something?
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Post #34: 12th Feb 2021 10:08 AM 
Is everyone okay with still having 24 hour phases throughout the weekend? Or do you want a 48 hour one like last weekend

I figure 24 hours should still be fine since you just have to uh..choose some letters. But if not then that's fine

Like for normal 24 hour weekend phases
Dislike for one 48 weekend phase
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Post #35: 12th Feb 2021 10:48 AM 
##Main Quest 1: B. Forget Khanarak.

Assuming the best of her fellow adventurer, Lavina decides that Khanarak can fend off any danger he might have found himself in, and instead chooses to run down the giant.

##Bonus Quest: E. Wisdom, measuring perception and insight
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Post #36: 12th Feb 2021 12:20 PM 
mhey northerners, i feesl lkie oif ki lived in thyis town, anpd ri sbaw ga giant runsning loose, i ewould go back to my haome to hide. i thikn wme should check the dhouses fodr the people. r well, not meo, as bi'd ebat it mup, but everyone else would gto anjd hide at home.
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Post #37: 12th Feb 2021 1:10 PM 
Pastor Sandro will valiantly search for Kranarak. Perhaps Malar, god of the hunt, will guide his eyes.

##A. Rescue Khanarak.

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Post #38: 12th Feb 2021 1:11 PM 
Sandro is wise beyond his years

##Choose Wisdom
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Post #39: 12th Feb 2021 1:12 PM 
"So, we're checking the church, right?" Sandro asked, in a manner that suggested it wasn't a question.

##Check the church
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Post #40: 12th Feb 2021 1:24 PM 
Randall too thinks the townspeople have gathered in the church. Or the Townmaster's Hall. Surely they would not all run into the woods!
Glory (jamie)
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Post #41: 12th Feb 2021 1:58 PM 
Booberella feels for the missing traveller. Plus Booberella wants to stay away from the giant

drrrrr @ 9/11/2017 18:03
I was wrong about Jamie he is a true visionary and I name him my successor

Glory (jamie)
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Post #42: 12th Feb 2021 2:01 PM 

Booberella does not get tired. She has a large endurance as well as large breasts.

##Search the homes
The locals were nice once, maybe they will give Booberella pants
drrrrr @ 9/11/2017 18:03
I was wrong about Jamie he is a true visionary and I name him my successor

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Post #43: 12th Feb 2021 2:21 PM 
Ordella nods to Rok

“Yes! The towns man loves a good shoe shining. Right? Plus he is probably the most knowledgeable of the town... he must know something of our teammate! “

##Search Townmasters Hall

Ordellas perception of the situation would surely find Khan. She knew it in her black heart.... and even though The Shadowy One was telling her to cut her losses and kill more. She still had some loyalties within her not yet turned sour.

##Rescue Khan

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Post #44: 12th Feb 2021 2:30 PM 

##B Forget the Khanarak beast! Greaseface did not release it so Greaseface is not responsible for corralling it!

Bonus 1

##wisdom Greaseface is wise beyond his years as evidenced by the LOVELY poetry he's written
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Post #45: 12th Feb 2021 3:11 PM 
Ahron shrugged off the skirmish with the giant. As he regained his composure he realized that his favorite ally in the entire FEniverse. This simply would not do. Ahron was barely able to contain his rage

##A. Rescue Khanarak.

The disappearance of his Warmachine friend made Ahron feel a fleeting sense of sadness. But that was quickly overtaken by anger and determination. Ahron was hellbent on finding Khanarak and bringing him back to the fold. Nothing else mattered.

##C. Constitution, measuring endurance
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