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Congrats America. You have officially screwed the world!
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Post #421: 28th Feb 2017 3:59 PM 
JJ @ 28/2/2017 15:51
Yep. Some of those town halls were great, though. With Reps having to face angry crowds who weren't taking bullshit answers - like death panels.

My wife nearly punched the screen when the one Rep started calling the people in the room "Children".
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Post #422: 28th Feb 2017 4:00 PM 
Watching Jason Chaffetz get wrecked has been a highlight of this Congressional recess.
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Post #423: 28th Feb 2017 8:36 PM 
Sometimes I watch news on the TV but other times I listen to it on the radio.
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Post #424: 28th Feb 2017 11:27 PM 

This is the best. He's such a douche.

Also this woman is a national treasure:

Meanwhile Marco Rubio is too scared to hold a town hall...
"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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Post #425: 1st Mar 2017 6:29 AM 
Maddie @ 28/2/2017 15:33
Speaking of the ACA/healthcare: I have to get an endoscopy tomorrow and they just told me my insurance covers 90% of the procedure. The 10% I have to cover is $978.

This is why we need universal healthcare.

no, you definitely don't want that. You would never get an appointment because they have to be made months in advance and all the good doctors will go elsewhere so they can actually get paid.
Curtis @ 25/7/2017 9:44
Great job Ahoda

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Post #426: 1st Mar 2017 11:19 AM 
Ahoda @ 1/3/2017 4:29
Maddie @ 28/2/2017 15:33
Speaking of the ACA/healthcare: I have to get an endoscopy tomorrow and they just told me my insurance covers 90% of the procedure. The 10% I have to cover is $978.

This is why we need universal healthcare.

no, you definitely don't want that. You would never get an appointment because they have to be made months in advance and all the good doctors will go elsewhere so they can actually get paid.

Where else would they go? Pretty much every other developed Western nation has some form of socialized medicine.

I lived in the UK for two years and never had any problems getting doctor's appointments, and the quality of care was equivalent to what I have here in California. The only thing that required slightly longer waiting times was special scans like MRI or ultrasound, but it wasn't bad.

"All this from a slice of gabagool?"
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Post #427: 1st Mar 2017 11:44 AM 
Ahoda @ 1/3/2017 6:29
Maddie @ 28/2/2017 15:33
Speaking of the ACA/healthcare: I have to get an endoscopy tomorrow and they just told me my insurance covers 90% of the procedure. The 10% I have to cover is $978.

This is why we need universal healthcare.

no, you definitely don't want that. You would never get an appointment because they have to be made months in advance and all the good doctors will go elsewhere so they can actually get paid.

There is so much incorrect about this post that I don't even know where to start. You should have also thrown "death panels" in there, ignoring that we already have those, expect they are in corporate board rooms instead of somewhere that at least pretends to be answerable to the people.

We have the absolutely least efficient form of healthcare you can get. Even hardcore capitalists in Canada look and go "Why are your companies spending so much time, money, and effort on health plans? The waste there alone is ridiculous. American health care is such a host of market failures stacked on top of market failures that it isn't even funny.

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Post #428: 1st Mar 2017 11:50 AM 
The part about months ahead of time is true though, in terms of your check up type appointments. When I lived in Canada we had to book Orthodonist stuff like 4 or 5 months in advance. I was shocked when I came down here and could book it the same week.

Not saying that what we currently have is better but there are definitely trade offs
"So, uh, what are we saying here? If we save LA from a nuclear bomb, then you and I can get together for dinner and a movie?"
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Post #429: 1st Mar 2017 12:12 PM 

Orthodontists always have taken time to book from what I've experienced- it's a big reason they always set up the follow up appointment when you are at the existing appointment. Of course my orthodontists years ago also spent a lot of time golfing, so I'm sure that played into it.
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #430: 1st Mar 2017 12:18 PM 
A California state senator just introduced a bill advocating for a single-payer system in the state. I guess if passed it would be modeled after the Canadian system. If it were to succeed, it'd be a pretty big deal and set an example for the rest of the country, since California is so populous.

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Post #431: 1st Mar 2017 1:28 PM 
Dylan @ 1/3/2017 11:50
The part about months ahead of time is true though, in terms of your check up type appointments. When I lived in Canada we had to book Orthodonist stuff like 4 or 5 months in advance. I was shocked when I came down here and could book it the same week.

Not saying that what we currently have is better but there are definitely trade offs

Really? A lot of the time for me when I needed something for my braces I could get it done that week or the next. I can't remember the last doctors appointment I had (probably should consider that) so can't say much on that
drrrrr @ 9/11/2017 18:03
I was wrong about Jamie he is a true visionary and I name him my successor

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Post #432: 1st Mar 2017 1:38 PM 
braces sucked
but now i have this cool permanent metal bar on the bottom of teeth that i can flick with my tongue
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Post #433: 1st Mar 2017 1:41 PM 
Dylan @ 1/3/2017 11:50
The part about months ahead of time is true though, in terms of your check up type appointments. When I lived in Canada we had to book Orthodonist stuff like 4 or 5 months in advance. I was shocked when I came down here and could book it the same week.

Not saying that what we currently have is better but there are definitely trade offs

I bet this has a lot to do with region/population
At least in my hometown it had a pretty huge population, lots of people with kids, and only like a few orthos in town.
I know mine was always busy as fuck, you had to plan way ahead of time for appointments and shit.
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Post #434: 1st Mar 2017 1:51 PM 
Dylan @ 1/3/2017 11:50
The part about months ahead of time is true though, in terms of your check up type appointments. When I lived in Canada we had to book Orthodonist stuff like 4 or 5 months in advance. I was shocked when I came down here and could book it the same week.

Not saying that what we currently have is better but there are definitely trade offs

The wait times aren't a big deal when considering simple appointments with a PCP or urgent care, and the US may even be behind there. However, the US is pretty well ahead currently in wait time for diagnostic testing, appointments with specialists, surgeries, and that sort of thing.
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Post #435: 1st Mar 2017 1:54 PM 
having PCP is a great way to jump the queue and get a lot of immediate healthcare
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