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2.3: Silly Geese!
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Post #361: 24th Jun 2022 9:51 PM 
I'm expecting one of the 2's later lol
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Post #362: 24th Jun 2022 9:55 PM 
Christian @ 24/6/2022 21:12
He looked back at the bar and an idea started forming.

I hope this works, he thought.

Boc @ 24/6/2022 21:57
5 to Christian

I think it might work lol
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Post #363: 24th Jun 2022 10:01 PM 
Percival slunk behind the janitor as stealthily as he could, watching the swine as he poked his head into each stall one by one, searching for this supposed clog. When he reached the last one, Percy knew he had to spring into action.

"There ain't nothin' here..." the pig snorted with annoyance as he peered into the last toilet, which looked as pristine as he'd left it.

Percy panicked and grabbed the nearest thing to him, the plunger that the janitor had set down. He cocked it back like a baseball bat and took aim at the janitor's head.

"Welp, false al--" just then, the janitor turned around, causing Percival to freeze in place. The pig looked Percival in the eyes, then up at the plunger, then back at Percival.

"...can I help you?" he asked, unamused.

"Oh! Y'see, I...well, as you've no doubt surmised, I kinda...lied to you. Sorry about it!! I just really wanted to, uh..." Percy ponderously looked over at the plunger. "...learn the ropes! Yeah! This party was really boring me to be honest with you! I just want to learn how a manor this vast is kept so spotless... the work you do here is incredible! You think I could, I dunno...shadow you or something?"

The janitor raised an eyebrow, but deep down...he welcomed the flattery, whether he fully believed it or not.

"Aw what the hell, sure buddy! Anything to spice up this job. Name's Peter, by the way." he said as he stuck out a hoof.

Percival returned the shake and was soon whisked away to an incredibly dull tour which mainly consisted of visiting the dozens of janitor's closets strewn about the giant estate. The tour was somehow kept afloat by Peter's unbridled enthusiasm for the subject.

"Wow! Who knew one building could house so many closets! That's...that's really something!" Percival tried with all his might to not sound sarcastic. It seemed to work, as Peter beamed a smile back at him and nodded his head.

"Y'know, I was staring at that keyring of yours, though, and it seemed like we only used less than half the keys on that bad boy, is that right?"

"Well, yes, as a custodian I do have access to many other rooms in the manor. But really only in case someone makes a mess or locks themselves out! I'm not really supposed to visit them otherwise..." Peter trailed off as he stared down at his feet.

"I mean, what a better night than tonight, Petey?! Let's live a little! Everyone's busy at the party, no one will even know! Whaddya say?!"

"Well...*snort*...I really could get in big trouble but...what kinda room were you thinking?"

"Oh I dunno! You know this manor so much better than I do Petey! But since you asked, a server room could be cool?! Gotta have a really impressive one for a place like THIS!"

"The...server room, you say?"

Peter narrowed his eyes...

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Post #364: 25th Jun 2022 1:53 PM 
2 to Boc

I’ll be out this afternoon but will post later.
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Post #365: 25th Jun 2022 8:28 PM 
"Percival...we've been compromised!" Louis repeated. "I've given Steve his earpiece so hopefully we can at least communicate. There was this guy who I thought.. it doesn't matter. Steve is now physically in a fight with this guy. We need to get our three OUT! That's our new mission. What's your location Percy?"

Louis pressed the earpiece again. He'd given Steve his earpiece, let's hope he copied. "Steve, I was the woman with the Chardonnay! We need to get on the same page, guys."

Louis continued to watch the squabble between Steve and the "guy." "Steve, when you're done with your silly antics, please respond and let's get a plan together."

Louis thought it through. Percy would go after the server room. Steve would keep slinging the drinks. We need to find our team and get them out.

With an eye on the front of the room, Louis noticed the security detail. Those guys from the National Hunters Association... We need to infiltrate and subvert. But they're very dangerous.

Louis pressed his earpiece. "I'm going to follow and take one .. or more... of these guys over. Report your positions and situations."

Louis slipped off the barstool in the most feminine manner he could muster. He sighed inwardly. He hated being disguised as a female. It was just so much harder...

He headed toward the crowd and watched as the NHA guarded over his friends. They were talking into headsets and he knew they were communicating with others not in view.

Louis' eyes scanned and he headed to the left, down a hallway with several doors. One was labeled "Security."

Louis slipped his right hand into his pocket and checked. It was still there.

Louis tried the door and it opened. He slipped into the room with the door marked "Security."

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Post #366: 25th Jun 2022 9:08 PM 
"...and what could you POSSIBLY want to do in the server room?" Peter continued.

"I-I...like I said, I just think it sounds...cool! I dunno, you asked what I wanted to see and I answered! Why the third degree?! You can, like, show me something else if you want to...it's no biggie, piggy..." Percival fidgeted with his collar nervously.

Peter stared down at Percival for a beat before relenting.

"Sure. Right this way."

Percival hesitantly followed Peter down a branching hallway. The piggy remained eerily silent the whole way there.

"Soooo Pete...anything you can tell me about this new destinaesh?" by this time it was becoming painfully clear something was very off.

"We're here." Peter said simply as he opened a door to a darkened room and motioned Percy inside.

Percy gulped and considered his options...but there didn't seem to be much else he could do. It was either enter or flee, and it was unlikely he'd be able to outrun this pig, much less any other guards that would become alerted. His only option seemed to be compliance, and hope to goose god that Peter's intentions weren't as shady as they seemed.

"Oh boy...I looove...surprises..." Percy stammered before entering the room.

The lights suddenly blasted on, blinding Percy amid a cacophony of whirring and clanking. When he regained his vision, he was staring back at Peter from behind bars. Above Peter's head was a sign that read: "PROCESSING".

"We've gotta live one!" Peter oinked as a couple of others, a panther and a wolf, stepped out beside him. They all grinned at him eerily.

"What's your location Percy?" Louis' chimed in through the headset.

Naturally, it was met with no response as Percy wriggled around in futility. The cage around him was already tight for the average sized goose, but for a bird of Percival's stature...he couldn't even lift a wing.

"Shh, shh...it'll all be over soon. No more schemes, no more...impropriety. I knew you were up to something the first time I laid eyes on you...Gustavo, if that even is your real name. But I was willing to see where things went, see what you were after. And then you brought up the *snort* goddamned server room! What a bold play! You know, I would ask the specifics of what you're up to, but it really won't matter soon enough. All I'm going to do is give you a little...headstart."

Percival slowly moved his head, as much as he could, towards the side of the cage as he listened to Peter monologue.

"You see, Her Magnificence has more modern solutions these days, but in our day..." Peter motioned to the two cronies at his side, "...in our day, things were a little more...hands on. You'll see soon enough. I'm going to start by asking you a series of questions, this will be our calibration round. Soon enough, we'll make a loyal servant out of--"

Percival was finally able to get the button on his headset pressed up against one of the bars, depressing it just enough for it to click on.

"Louis! Steve! Anyone! I'm in some kind of Processing room in the east wing, there's--"

The panther reached into the cage and brusquely yanked the headset off Percival's head.
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Post #367: 25th Jun 2022 9:08 PM 
2 to JJ
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Post #368: 25th Jun 2022 10:26 PM 
Louis entered the Security room and looked around.

He was immediately hit squarely in the bill! By a .. quills!

The quills were right in Louis's eyes.


Louis covered his eyes and bent his head down. This wasn't what he had wanted and it wasn't going to be helpful for his team.

His eyes began to clear and he viewed the porcupine.

Louis asked the porcupine, "Oh, I'm not clearly seeing!"

The porcupine spoke. "What are you doing in here?"

Louis answered. "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize... I was trying to find the ladies room."

The porcupine seemed suspicious.

"The ladies room?"

"Yes," answered Louis. "I was trying to find the ladies room."

The porcupine seemed to settle down a bit, he relaxed.

Louis reached into his right hand pocket and felt the instrument. He didn't relish this but it was his duty.

The porcupine leaned in and Louis made his move. He stabbed the porcupine right in his eye with the knife. The porcupine went down.

But not before hitting the RED ALERT button.

The button was flashing and blinking red/white on and off. A siren was sounding.

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Post #369: 25th Jun 2022 10:31 PM 
We got a MURDER!
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Post #370: 25th Jun 2022 10:35 PM 
"Murder, murder! Do you copy?"
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Post #371: 25th Jun 2022 10:45 PM 
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Post #372: 25th Jun 2022 11:09 PM 
Date: June 12th, 2022
Time: 8:23 pm
Location: Dr. Doomore's Manor


The alarm blared throughout the mansion accompanied by flashing red lights. Doomore's home security was no joke.

The esteemed guests of the charity ball looked around the room, bewildered. Some didn't even hesitate and headed straight for the exit, others glanced up at Doomore for a sign. The Doctor looked around as panic continued to set in throughout her event. She tightened the grip on her microphone and tried to suppress her rage, she knew full well the rest of The Squawd were within her walls and responsible.

"Just......stay calm everyone. Just wait-"

More and more people began to turn and head for the door, spilling out onto the grass and putting some distance between themselves and the manor.

Dr. Doomore tossed the microphone to the floor and angrily marched over to her three captives. With the porpoise tank still right beside her, the top lip of it flush with the edge of the stage, Doomore motioned to the three geese and had them march on over to it.

"Submerge." she commanded with a wicked smirk.

Without questioning it, Nene, Carmen, and Ryan plunged their heads and long necks down into the water. The three held themselves in place for two minutes as Doomore cackled away. After the four minute mark, Doomore's laugh subsided. She turned towards her head of security.

"How...how long can geese hold their breath for?" she asked.

The head of the N.H.A. fumbled through his phone. "It says here, "Geese can hold their breath for prolonged periods of up to 45 minutes or more."" the hillbilly read slowly.

"Well then." Doomore said as she glanced at her watch. "We wait."

Time: 8:25 pm
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Post #373: 25th Jun 2022 11:33 PM 
Steve apologized to the man for the misunderstanding.

The woman had actually been Louis all along.

What a great disguise, Steve thought.

He turned back to the bar.

They needed a diversion.

He knew what to do.

He put 6 empty glasses on the bar, thought about it, then added 6 more. Lined them all up.

He poured some alcohol in all of them, added a few "extra ingredients" and then lit them all on fire, at the same time!

All 12 of the glasses burned with a spectacular fire show, that attracted a very large crowd.

I wonder if I should turn this up a notch...

"Louis! Steve! Anyone! I'm in some kind of Processing room in the east wing, there's--" the voice said over the earpiece before abruptly cutting out.

Percy! He might be in trouble!

I won't be a silly Sally, there's no time to dilly dally!

"To the east wing!" Steve shouted as he ran off towards Percy's last known location.

He remembered passing some kind of processing room on the private tour (and more) he received from Doomore earlier in the evening.

However, before he could get there, a siren started blaring throughout the mansion.

That's probably not a good thing, he thought. But on the other hand, the place is clearing out.

That's when Steve noticed his other friends dunking their heads under water in the porpoise tank by the stage.

I wonder how long they've been like that...probably no need to worry. Yet. But maybe I can do something about this now.

He flew, that's right he's a goose, remember. Even with his bad wing, which hurt like hell, it was still the quickest way to travel and he could avoid bumping into the people still making their way towards the exits. He flew back towards the bar and retrieved the case he had stowed away there earlier.

From behind the bar, he opened the case, removed the mini-paint gun (it was easier to carry) and loaded it with 3 very special paint balls.

He took aim at the porpoise tank. And shot once, twice, three times, hitting his target each time.

Upon impact they splattered purple paint and cracked the glass of the tank. It began to leak for a moment before it burst, water and geese pouring out onto the floor.

Pleased with himself, Steve headed towards the east wing.

He was off to save Percy.

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Post #374: 25th Jun 2022 11:34 PM 
JJ @ 25/6/2022 23:26
The porcupine leaned in and Louis made his move. He stabbed the porcupine right in his eye with the knife. The porcupine went down.

But not before hitting the RED ALERT button.

The button was flashing and blinking red/white on and off. A siren was sounding.


Take my 4...it's the highest one I have left. (Sorry Boc lol)

Post Edited by Christian @ 25th Jun 2022 11:38 PM
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Post #375: 25th Jun 2022 11:38 PM 
Sorry JJ, I have a 4 that you may have. I thought I gave it to you, but that was before the new rolls.
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