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2.3: Silly Geese!
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Post #331: 20th Jun 2022 12:42 PM 
It's been too long!
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Post #332: 20th Jun 2022 12:44 PM 
JJ @ 20/6/2022 13:09
"Great, Percy! I think meeting would be a better idea with all those *gulp* hunters roaming about. Let's see.. where shall we meet?"

There was no answer.


Louis heard some muffled sounds, and then a voice that didn't belong to his clever but kooky friend, Percy. It was a deep, gruff voice, but it was hard to make out words. He thought he heard the word 'Turkey' then more muffled but louder sounds.

But then, Louis heard a whisper come over the headset. A very clear whisper. It was unmistakable. "Louis! Help!"

Louis craned his neck in all different directions and surveyed the grounds.

Percy ventured out from the van leaving it and its precious cargo behind. Percy needed him! He wouldn't let him down.

Taking care to keep hidden in shrubbery, Louis crept closer and closer to the main entrance of the mansion.

From behind a topiary shaped like a rabbit, Louis spied the whale fountain. He scanned the area surrounding it until he saw a blue whale trash can close by. There was a hunter aiming the barrel of a shotgun right into it.

OH NO! This was worse than Louis had imagined.

A diversion, he needed a diversion. Quick!

Louis took a deep breath and then, in his best fox impression, started screaming. It sounded just like a woman screaming. Louis continued, watching the hunter look toward the sound. Great, this was working!


Have my 5, JJ!
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Post #333: 20th Jun 2022 12:45 PM 
That should leave me with a 1, 2, and 6
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Post #334: 20th Jun 2022 3:56 PM 
Louis watched the hunter. His call had caught his attention. He knew no hunter could resist a fox hunt!

He started slinking sideways away from the topiary. He needed to get away from this spot but also needed to keep his cover.

The hunter was looking back and forth between his direction and the contents of the whale trash can. He made his decision. He slammed the cover on the trash can and then, looking around, spotted a heavy-looking garden gnome. He picked up the gnome and placed it on top of the trash can lid.

"That oughta hold," the hunter said, satisfied with himself. He looked at the trash can one last time. "Don't go anywhere ya dumb turkey," he grinned. "I'll be back."

And off he headed. Louis side-stepped his way out of his pathway and slipped behind a large potted plant which was among a group of other potted plants. He felt safe.. for now.

He pressed his earpiece. "Percy, do you copy?" Louis waited. "The hunter is gone but I suspect he'll be coming back. Can you get out of that can?"
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Post #335: 20th Jun 2022 7:48 PM 
Think Percival, think!

Percy had been stuck in this goddamned trash can for what seemed like an eternity. And that eternity was only extended by the suspended moment of time this hunter had shoved his shotgun barrel into the can and cocked it back. Percival was out of ideas, there's only so much you can do when you're a fish in a barrel. He clenched his eyes shut and curled up in a ball when suddenly...


What could only be described as an ungodly scream shook him to his core. Was that a...fox? A woman? An unseemly fox-woman hybrid? Percival didn't have the answers; all he knew is the hunter miraculously seemed to be distracted, as the barrel pulled back and the lid thumped back shut.

"Don't go anywhere ya dumb turkey, I'll be back." his muffled voice receded.

Dumb turkey, eh? I'll show you who's the real...dumb turkey!

Percival was glad he hadn't vocalized that comeback. He pressed his wings to the top of the can and pushed with all his might, but to no avail. There seemed to be some kind of massive weight on top that he couldn't possibly budge. But it was no matter, that wasn't the only way out. Percy rocked back and forth until the can finally tipped over, causing a large crash from whatever that weight was.

As the whale's mouth sprung open, Percival finally, mercifully, had extricated himself from the trash can. He breathed in the night air as he stepped over the garden gnome shards back towards cover. Suddenly, his headset buzzed back to life.

"Percy, do you copy? ... Can you get out of that can?" Louis' silky smooth voice came through.

"Boy am I! Nice uh...distraction? I had no idea you had that kinda vocal range man hahaha!! Did you have the, uh, body parts for me then? We should meet up before the patrol gets back."

"I believe I have what you're looking for..." Louis started.

two minutes later

Percival and Louis gazed into the van where Clarice was tied up.

"That'll do, goose. That'll do." Percival patted Louis on the beret and sidled up next to Clarice with his laptop.

Doomore Estates Gala Administration Login. Please enter biometric data now.

Percival grabbed Clarice's thumb and placed it on a scanner attachment jutting out from his laptop.

Login succeeded!

The guest list reflected against Percy's bifocals, his eyes darting back and forth across every detail. He gave a silent nod before pressing a button on his headset.

"Welp I've got some good news folks! There's precisely four empty spots on this guest list. Whenever you're ready, tell me your pseudonym and I'll enter it into the system. Your wish is my command! Toodaloo!"

Percival turned to Louis who stared back at him with a furrowed brow.

"I know, I know what you're thinking! Only four spots?! That's one short! Well the good news for you, my joli croissant, is there was also one no-show on the list. And who better to show up in their stead than the master of disguise himself?! Only, the funny thing about this guest is..."
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Post #336: 20th Jun 2022 10:04 PM 
"Only, the funny thing about this guest is..."

Louis listened intently to Percy. For a brief moment he wondered why Percy was always throwing Italian and French words and phrases at him but he shrugged it off. He liked the young fellow and if that's what it took to bond with him, he'd play along.

"Oui?" Louis encouraged.

"it's someone you may recognize," Percy was saying.

Louis could tell Percy was holding back a smile as he tilted his monitor toward him so he could read the name of the no-show for himself.


Not only did Louis recognize the name, everyone who didn't live in a cave knew who Janine Garnier was. On second thought, even bats knew who Janine Garnier was, Louis thought.

While Percy was bringing up Janine's bio and all her details, Louis was thinking about what he already knew about her.

He knew Janine was known as one of the foremost Animal Rights advocates in the country. She controlled a vast fortune and was not too shy to let it be known that a generous portion went to support many animal groups. Shelter animal groups, endangered animal groups... you name it, Janine was either a benefactor of the group, on the Board of Directors or both. Louis had heard the rumors, though. There were suspicions that it was all a cover. For what, he didn't know, but Louis thought that would make sense if she was mixed up with the likes of Dr. Doomore.

And why was Janine a no-show? That was curious, wasn't it? Come to think of it, Louis couldn't really picture Janine in his mind's eye. His eyes returned to Percy's computer now and he followed the screen as Percy was hopping from site to site, giving Percy the run-down.

Not many photos, and the few Percy found weren't very clear. Louis studied one. It was a very blurry image from what he could see. The more Louis thought about it, he wondered. Did she really ever go out in public? Maybe this would be easier than he thought. Not that he needed it to be easy, Louis guffawed inwardly. No way.

Satisfied with the information Percy had shared, Louis was ready. It was now or never.

Now, to transform himself into Janine!

Louis started looking through the van to find his disguise bag.

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Post #337: 20th Jun 2022 10:18 PM 
I love this lol
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Post #338: 20th Jun 2022 10:33 PM 
Steve loved this.

He was tending bar at this big, cool gala thing.

Hanging out with so many interesting people.

And he looked real cool in this uniform.

Dr. Doomore kept flashing him these flirty looks as he served super fancy drinks to the party guests, as she went about mingling with important people.

She is hot for bartender, he thought.

She wants to get under this vest.

What would Nene think?

She'd hate this, is what she'd think.


Perhaps, if the opportunity presented itself, he'd whisk Doomore away for some alone time. Perhaps he could learn exactly where the Babble was. That is of course why the Squawd were all here tonight.

Could it work?

It could work.

The large sea of people in front of the bar suddenly parted and Doomore emerged from the crowd.

"Hello again," she purred. "Aren't you due for a break yet? I was hoping I could give you a private tour of my mansion."


Here we go.

Steve left a coded note behind the bar in case one of the others came to find him.

"I was just thinking that I might take a break. Lead the way, Doctor."

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Post #339: 22nd Jun 2022 9:39 PM 
HONK! Steve has been alone with Dr. Doomore for two days! HONK!
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Post #340: 23rd Jun 2022 8:31 PM 
Chill out, man.
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Post #341: 23rd Jun 2022 8:57 PM 
who knows what kind of trouble he's getting into. Maybe it's the good kind of trouble, but maybe it's the bad kind.
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Post #342: 23rd Jun 2022 10:16 PM 
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Date: June 12th, 2022
Time: 8:11 pm
Location: Dr. Doomore's Manor

The "charity" ball was in full swing. The ballroom, which had been converted into a function room complete with a stage and a porpoise tank, was filled to the brim with guests eager to see what Doomore had in store.

As Dr. Doomore took to the stage and tapped the microphone a few times, the crowd erupted in applause before simmering down to let her speak. Steve had just finished his private tour with the good Doctor and, still a bit red in the face, resumed his post at the bar.

"Good evening!" Dr. Doomore spoke out, her signature off-putting grin on full display. "I'd like to thank you all once again for making it out tonight."

A few members of the crowd let out a "WOO!", including Louis, deep undercover as well-known but rarely-seen animal rights activist Janine Garnier. He threw a subtle glance Steve's way, but not even he recognized him in his new disguise. Percival's hushed voice crackled in over Louis' earpiece as he asked for a play by play of what was happening.

Doomore's voice continued to boom out. "Now, I know many of you came here to watch me communicate with our porpoises...but I'm afraid that won't be happening tonight."

The crowd let out some surprised and saddened moans as Louis looked on, worried that their escape plan was compromised.

"Shhh!" Doomore calmed the crowd. "Don't fret! We have changed the plan and have something much, much more interesting in store for you tonight. Bring them out!"

Several members of Dr. Doomore's security detail, the National Hunters Association, walked onto the stage and plopped three figures beside Doomore. Steve stopped shaking his latest mixture and accidentally knocked a glass over as he gazed upon the stage.

There, beside Doomore, was Nene, Ryan, and Carmen. The three geese stood silently beside the Doctor, all three in a trance as they stared straight ahead.

"It seems these three silly geese got lost and wandered their way onto my property! But no matter, they will make fine volunteers for my latest demonstration!" she said forebodingly as the crowd was won back over and let out a cheer.

A flustered Louis stood in awe, the only member of the crowd not applauding. He spat out in a hurried whisper into his earpiece. "Percival...we've been compromised!"
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Post #343: 23rd Jun 2022 10:16 PM 
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Date: June 12th, 2022
Time: 8:16 pm
Location: Dr. Doomore's Manor

The three remaining geese heard Commander Gander's voice in their earpieces.

"God damnit...." Xander started. "She caught them, just like the other teams..."

He paused and muttered a bit to himself. "Okay, the game has changed. Abort the previous plan, you hear me you sons of bitches?? ABORT! The vault, the escape plan, the x-ray goggles, all of it. Throw it all out the window. The Babble has to be inside one of Nene, Steve, or Carmen. My god....."

"New objective: get your team the hell out of there. If you rescue the three of them, you bring The Babble along with them and we still succeed. We NEED that device. Whatever you have to do to distract or cause a big ruckus, do it. And remember, Dr. Doomore knows Nene. She likely knows your entire team and will have security be on higher alert going forward. Be careful."

Percival, Louis, and Steve collectively gulped.

"And don't forget, those three are entirely under her control now." Xander said softly. "They won't be so eager to be rescued..."

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Post #344: 23rd Jun 2022 10:16 PM 
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WELL! Alright. I was about to can this but we might as well wrap it up and give it some proper conclusion. Ty to the three who stuck with it, I thought the start was a lot of fun and I'm p bummed that it was abandoned. But let's see if we can rework it a bit and close it out

Here's what we'll do. The three of you can roll 4d6. Any numbers you rolled previously are thrown out, we're using this as a reset point. You'll get four new numbers and will hand out two of those numbers per player. Unlike before, you have to give a set number to your two fellow players, that'll be two each. That means you'll each call for a roll four times from here on out. Once all three of you have finished four roll calls, we'll wrap it up with a finale. Story wise, get as far into the case as you can without actually concluding it, because the finale mechanic will determine your fate (don't worry it's a quick thing)

The flashbacks to the failed job? Sadly gone! That will remain a vague mystery. You can however still use your signature item to bump up a roll by one - this is a one time use and your item must be instrumental in how it helps you carry out your action.

Let's try to brush past this unfortunate stretch and improvise some sorta ending here. Gl hf!
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Post #345: 23rd Jun 2022 10:20 PM 
And if any of the three happen to return and wanna hop back in for the conclusion, I am happy to write you back in
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