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Boolshit; For things that don't deserve their own thread
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Post #316: 19th Jan 2013 5:53 AM 
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Post #317: 21st Feb 2013 9:44 AM 
Not sure which is worse, waking up to a phone call from fraud prevention and finding out my credit card was hacked...or having to admit all those other charges were mine. :$
A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. A fullmetal heart.
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Post #318: 3rd Mar 2013 1:08 AM 
Curtis @ 19/1/2013 11:53
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wtf is this from? lol
Please ask me on October 1st if they woke me up. I've literally never heard it before and I'm definitely not tired of it.
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Post #319: 3rd Mar 2013 12:48 PM 
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"I can't find anything with these huge man hands"
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Post #320: 3rd Mar 2013 1:14 PM 
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If only phones were easier to hold!
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Post #321: 3rd Mar 2013 1:40 PM 
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Infomercial people are always hilarious
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Post #322: 4th Mar 2013 5:40 PM 
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Post #323: 4th Mar 2013 5:55 PM 
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Post #324: 4th Mar 2013 6:55 PM 
Mercator @ 4/3/2013 23:40
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This is my fucking favorite lmfao
Please ask me on October 1st if they woke me up. I've literally never heard it before and I'm definitely not tired of it.
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Post #325: 4th Mar 2013 7:04 PM 
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Please ask me on October 1st if they woke me up. I've literally never heard it before and I'm definitely not tired of it.
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Post #326: 4th Mar 2013 11:38 PM 
Mal @ 3/3/2013 13:40
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This one is my favorite because she doesn't actually spill it, but everyone is too used to spills to react as if the soda will not be spilled. They throw down their fucking cards like that'll somehow help things. They can't even think rationally enough to protect the damn cards from damage.

Post Edited by Grimapple @ 4th Mar 2013 11:40 PM
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Post #327: 7th Mar 2013 11:32 AM 

PRETTY COOL. Mute the narration though. It's really annoying.
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Post #328: 8th Mar 2013 1:51 PM 
Good god
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Quizmaster Vern!
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Post #329: 13th Mar 2013 5:37 PM 
Of the people, for the people!

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Post #330: 15th Mar 2013 11:28 PM 
Message I received on my YouTube account from some random guy

jews(edomites)are impostors that usurped our precious identity.

the basques are the etruscans/trojans/atlanteans today, watch the 2nd video. The true mediterranean culture is the basque/catalan culture not the italian culture.








"Palæolithic European man of the Miocene and Pliocene times was a pure Atlantean, as we have previously stated. The Basques are, of course, of a much later date than this, but their affinities, as here shown, go far to prove the original extraction of their remote ancestors" Helena Blavatsky.













"The Basques are known as Europe's "Indians" or Europe's "First Family", since their language and culture is more ancient than any other in Europe. It is likely that the Basque are descendants of the artists who created(now confirmed) the astonishing Stone Age paintings of the Pyrenees Mountains 30,000 years ago. Basques were Europe's first whalers and accomplished sailors and navigators. The Basque were the first to sail around the world and Basque sailors accompanied Columbus to the New World".

"Indians"(original cherokees were hebrews=basques/solutreans) indeed because we were the 1st americans, the so called indians(mongoloids) made it to america much later on.

Its 2013 and the truth is coming out because we are in the end of times

We didn't mix with hispanics, the scummy children of cain did.

Barcelona is the original jerusalem.

The USA is the new jerUSAlem.

The paintings in the cave of altamira solve this mystery(cover-up) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbYMlssNtEM all the churches are replicas of the altamira paintings, the representation of the sky, the representation of the firmament, an astronomic map of more than 40.000 years old!

Proving christianity was born in basque lands but the fucking romans and jews(edomite impostors)stole our history and identity.

The only seafaring people with rh neg blood were the people of Jesus and the basques(celts)are the only seafaring people with rh neg blood proving the basques are the people of Jesus.Plus the basques are the originators of this blood type.The catalans and the celts in ireland, wales, england, scotland, many americans, canadians and aussies, kiwis, the boers are our descendants.

"Genetically it has been proven that the Basque country is the homeland of Western Europe and other parts of the world. The Basque people have kept their language, culture and unity in tact for thousands of years against all odds".


Spread the word please.

No, I'm not nuts, research it and youll see I wasnt lying.Romans were our enemies so its not that hard to believe what I am saying.

Calling gladiator as spaniard(true spaniard though not the anti basques and anti catalans those are pseudo spaniards) in the movie gladiator was a hint.

If you don't believe me..tell me why are the basques the oldest caucasians and speak the oldest language there is? what does this tell you?

Obama, and his jew infested illegal regime are Esau that were foretold to be in power in the end of days, but will be destroyed.

Oba 1:18 And the house of Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the LORD hath spoken it

The bible says that there would be impostors.

Contact and ask american researcher and geneticist Tim Osterholm and the member of the famous south african family the boers,susan pohl about this

Languages are made-up out of the oldest language there is:basque.People dont know this,why?Proof that it was covered up because if this hadnt been covered up wed know a long time ago basque is the original language and all languages are made-up out of basque but we didnt know this til recently

The discovery in veleia(the basque country)proves the basque lands are the original cradle of christianity.There is another veleia in italy and the citizens of this veleia were known as ligurians veleiates and now we know that the ligurians were true iberians! and the true iberians were HEBREWS of the bible! and true iberians(basques) are older than any people in italy or europe and the basques are the oldest caucasians!!!!!



The media wont talk about this because the jews control it

If you have any doubt in 1995 national geographic called the basques "the 1st family of europe"

btw saying the brits descend from the spanish is misleading because the brits specifically descend from the basques and in spain there were invaders and they are anti basques n anti catalans and the brits will think they descend from these anti basques and anti catalans and thats bullshit.The true spanish would be the basques n catalans but because of these anti basques n anti catalans identity stealers,now the basques n catalans say they arent spanish out of shame because they dont want to be associated with those pseudo spaniards(hijacked our identity) and they make out like bandits fooling the brits/celts

We are oppressed and screwed over because of who we are because they hate us and envy us and we founded spain we dont hate spain(as i said we founded it so thats ridiculous) we hate the scumbags that hate us and want to destroy us.Its called wanting to steal our precious identity.

This is heberites(basques n catalans and our descendants) against cain's scummy children.We are the oldest caucasians so the original israel could never be in the east but the west(our land) because the cromagnon forged and evolved indigenously in the basque country.


"British" means "covenant man", being derived from two Hebrew words, "Brith", meaning covenant, and "ish", man. The basques(heberites) founded europe and great britain thats why the brits descend from the basques and israel(not today's country) were the covenant people of God.

Btw old castile was located in the upper ebro where catalonia and the basque country are because the basques founded and settled old castile and created the spanish language so now you know the scumbags from madrid are impostors that ruined our image because now spanish is associated with hispanics and the 3rd world

"Webster's New World Hebrew Dictionary defines "Heber" as Kheeber, meaning "Connected; Joined." Because they did colonize, rule, and inhabit every country on earth, also founding every civilization on earth, all human societies recognize their ancient hegemony both linguistically and mythically" So if they founded every civilization on earth and we know the etruscans spoke basque and founded rome this proves the basques are the hebrews of the bible.

All of this is undeniable.You cant debunk this.

Italian really comes from spanish not the other way around.Both languages obviously arent the same but they are very similar so realize of the importance of the language,but you associate spanish with non whites so it puts you off and you respect italian because italian is not slandered or associated with criminal 3rd worlders

Fuck u busted and cheating romans,know your place jealous bastards

BTW the running of the bulls takes place in basque land(pamplona)

The true romans and builders of rome were the etruscans(basques and our blood brothers the catalans today) the pseudo romans just turned on the true romans and stole our history and glory.They cant cover this up anymore having the internet where you can reach out to so many people

We are getting back the prestige and glory the cheating romans stole us.

The sword the gladiators used is called gladius(from this word comes gladiator) and it was of iberian(basque/catalan)origin.One more proof. People wouldve known for a long time now who we are but because of anti people of Jesus,people didnt know who we are

Help us please

Odin was one of us too

Many people dont believe atlanteans existed and settled and blessed the world, but they cant deny the true iberians settled and blessed the world and if they know true iberians(basques and catalans) settled the world, people has to start believing that its true that the atlanteans existed once they make sure the true iberians settled the world

We created the romance languages not the cheating romans....latin comes from spanish( language created by basques and catalans) and if spanish today is associated with non whites its not because of the basques and catalans but because of anti basques and catalans that invaded spain.Research this you will be surprised and youll see i am telling the truth.

I mean we founded and built rome and documents prove that BEFORE the romans came to spain the language spoken in spain was similar to latin.

The romans tried to kill off the hebrews/atlanteans/celts(basques and catalans) and as you can see they stole us everything.We are the milesians


We know that the hebrews/heberites were white(shemites) that settled europe and the oldest caucasians are the basques and catalans and we are the original europeans, proving we are the heberites of the bible.The anti basques and anti catalans in spain are the edomites that killed Jesus.Iberia means land of hebrews

Our image etc was ruined by these identity stealers

We are the true founders of the olympics.

Jews did 9/11 and the vatican has hijacked real Christianity, and polluted Christ's teachings with its corruptions

The eponymous Atlantean comes from C-atalan-tean or C-atalonia.The virgin mary was a basque/catalan woman

The lord Jesus said that satan would gather the world's elite and force a 1 world government 1 world currency 1 world religion led by the anti christ who would also control these satanic kings

Do you think this is impossible?

Then why is it that the worlds top leaders are into the occult why do they also push for one world currency government world without borders and religion

Exactly what the lord Jesus said they would do they are doing

PS The pope is the anti christ who controls them all


Must watch videos

When impostors want to steal an identity they make sure the secret is well kept thats why you didnt know all this

We can back up who we are,the jews(edomites)cant

hispanics(mexicans etc) are suck-ups to white people so that you race mix with them(dont be fooled by satan).They want to whiten up their countries.You americans etc have been brainwashed by your anti white teachers(jews) to hate your race and that way mix yourselves out of existence while the jews play the victims and demonize white people with the holohoax when the jews killed millions of people but they dont bang on this of course

Basques and catalans are the original celts and the origin of european royalty and our bones,blood and language back it up but envy is a bitch

The basques and catalans gave rise to white people and this is a fact.

The jews manipulated the bible,in the bible it used to say judahites not jews which is a word invented by jews to fool people to rule the world and oppress us

I don't even...
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