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Post #301: 16th Apr 2013 3:59 PM 
Curtis @ 16/4/2013 8:09
Curtis @ 16/4/2013 1:25
Vanilla Sky

I thought it was great. Not sure why it's so hated

Watched a few scenes again. I'll definitely appreciate this movie even more after a second viewing, but the more I think about it the more I really loved it already. Its stuck with me over the past few days. Has anyone else seen it?
Saw bits on TV...seemd weird...I think I got the twist but I already forgot again...what I saw felt ....pretentious...dunno

edit: rewatched it yesterday. Well it's not bad, it's unconventional which is a good thing rly, but something about it bothers me a little. Maybe it's the acting...the parts where tom cruise goes nuts are entertaining, the rest not so much imo. kurt russel was good. peneople cruz looks hot as hell but she can't act...

Post Edited by Henry_42 @ 17th Apr 2013 8:36 AM
"There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. Some kind of high powered mutant never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die."

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Post #302: 17th Apr 2013 8:58 PM 
Le Grand Amour. It was playing in a PIERRE ETAIX block on TCM last night and I figured I could get worldly for once and watch a foreign movie. and oh men was it a good decision, this one was great! Just tremendously entertaining, and very proto-ANNIE HALL.
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Post #303: 20th Apr 2013 12:02 AM 
The Housemaid (the 2010 version). It was very good. I highly recommend it, especially if you like good domestic drama.

Post Edited by Grimapple @ 20th Apr 2013 12:04 AM
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Post #304: 20th Apr 2013 7:54 PM 
And I have watched Wreck-It-Ralph. I loved it. It was cute.
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Post #305: 20th Apr 2013 8:09 PM 
Kung Pow...

I've seen it countless times before but god... it that movie fucking hilarious.

It's gotta be the most quotable piece of shit ever.
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Post #306: 22nd Apr 2013 1:14 PM 
Big Fish, Gosford Park, Unknown (not the Liam Neeson one)

All very good
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Pa Hupu
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Post #307: 23rd Apr 2013 6:33 PM 
TO THE WONDER. I dug it! It had nowhere near the sweep of Thin Red Line or Tree of Life (my fave Malicks), and I wasn't as moved as when I saw them, but it was still beautiful, full of moments both haunting and transcendent.

I suppose that before going in if you haven't at least been engaged with Malick's past works this won't appeal to you. This is much more overtly HIM than even Tree of Life. Shots of wheat fields at sunset, jump cuts of dancing interaction, lack of dialogue and whispered voiceover, it's all very idiosyncratic. Still though I think this style worked very well for the story (whatever there is of it (: )

That's because otherwise it would come off as more melodramatic. There are some really dark moments that only achieve their emotional impact because of the fractured way the story is told. ITS HARD TO SAY WITHOUT SOUNDING LIKE A TWAT but any more conventional story would have undercut the honesty of the movie.
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Post #308: 23rd Apr 2013 6:34 PM 
Also McAdams feels incredibly out of place and I don't know why but it's good that she's a more or less insignificant piece.

ALSO ALSO people often bitch about Malick's voiceovers reeking of college poetry and I've always disagreed because they both fit the character to whom they're attributed and the delivery combined with the imagery is usually beautiful. This movie is probably the best use of it since Days of Heaven because of how minimal the lines are.

Post Edited by Pa Hupu @ 23rd Apr 2013 6:37 PM
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Post #309: 24th Apr 2013 4:22 AM 
I got ahold of Dawn of the Dead (the remake) a little while ago, and saved until today as a special treat for finishing the last exam of my undergraduate degree. I was playing Left 4 Dead while watching, and it actually occurred to me that if a zombie outbreak occurred during finals week at RSU, nobody would notice. People get no sleep, so they just kind of shuffle around, smell like they're dead, wearing old clothing, in a never-ending quest for more brains. Someone would try to bite your arm off, and you'd just shove them away and keep memorizing your chem notes.

I'd forgotten just how much goodness is in that movie. Whether it's Bart's retarded complaints about the zombie apocalypse ruining his opportunity to score with a fat chick, or the gay guy torturing the security guards with his life story, or... Steve. Just Steve. I wondered if the rewatch would sour me on the film, and in a sense it did, but I still seriously enjoyed it. That movie is probably one of my favorites of all time, despite the fact that I generally can't stand horror movies.

Seriously, though. Steve. Quite possibly one of the most entertaining characters in the history of film. If they made Steve: The Movie, I would watch it. Heck, I would buy it with real money, that's how good an all-Steve movie would be.

Post Edited by Rob of 2015 @ 24th Apr 2013 4:25 AM
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Post #310: 24th Apr 2013 11:49 AM 
Steve rules. Great movie
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Post #311: 24th Apr 2013 12:14 PM 
Pa Hupu @ 23/4/2013 23:33
TO THE WONDER. I dug it! It had nowhere near the sweep of Thin Red Line or Tree of Life (my fave Malicks), and I wasn't as moved as when I saw them, but it was still beautiful, full of moments both haunting and transcendent.

I suppose that before going in if you haven't at least been engaged with Malick's past works this won't appeal to you. This is much more overtly HIM than even Tree of Life. Shots of wheat fields at sunset, jump cuts of dancing interaction, lack of dialogue and whispered voiceover, it's all very idiosyncratic. Still though I think this style worked very well for the story (whatever there is of it (: )

That's because otherwise it would come off as more melodramatic. There are some really dark moments that only achieve their emotional impact because of the fractured way the story is told. ITS HARD TO SAY WITHOUT SOUNDING LIKE A TWAT but any more conventional story would have undercut the honesty of the movie.

I wanna see this REALLY bad. No time atm. Tree of Life is one of my all-time favorites.
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Post #312: 27th Apr 2013 4:10 AM 
Iron Man 3! Pretty good too.
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Post #313: 27th Apr 2013 4:18 AM 
Kiwi @ 27/4/2013 4:10
Iron Man 3! Pretty good too.

What. Already.
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Post #314: 27th Apr 2013 5:09 AM 
Dylan @ 27/4/2013 22:18
Kiwi @ 27/4/2013 4:10
Iron Man 3! Pretty good too.

What. Already.

Came out on the 24th (at midnight) over here. I was able to see it the next day luckily.

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Post #315: 27th Apr 2013 5:10 AM 
(Oh just saw it doesn't get released over there till the 3rd)
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