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Post #286: 4th Mar 2018 4:39 PM 
Incentives in the form of tax breaks and revamping leed to be more encompassing and more worthwhile along with upping buy American incentives would do much more to rebuild the industry than this silliness will. Oh well, maybe they will try that after this dumpster fire?
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Post #287: 8th Mar 2018 11:41 AM 
How can you have any pudding if you won't eat your meat?
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Post #288: 8th Mar 2018 12:38 PM 
Luv Putin performing assassinations in U.K. and nobody giving a shit.
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Post #289: 8th Mar 2018 1:43 PM 
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Post #290: 8th Mar 2018 2:27 PM 
Igor @ 8/3/2018 12:38
Luv Putin performing assassinations in U.K. and nobody giving a shit.

The UK is a pathetic joke. This isn't the first time this has happened but this is particularly bad, given that 20 innocent bystanders may have been exposed to the nerve agent too.

But we'll probably respond to this the same way we did last time: make a stink about it then do nothing. The British way.
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Post #291: 8th Mar 2018 2:29 PM 
Curtis @ 8/3/2018 13:43

top lel

This ridiculous argument needs to die. I play GTA all the time and I've only killed six people irl
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Post #292: 8th Mar 2018 2:42 PM 
I agree, wikey how many kids in this country play video games like that? Tens of Millions, I'd guess. How many kids played cowboys and indians growing up with fake guns and caps that made a gun fire sound? Lots, it's not the games, it's not the guns, imo. It's how kids are raised now adays, both at home and school. Kids are raised with little discipline and very little consequences for their actions.
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Post #293: 8th Mar 2018 2:49 PM 
Ben @ 8/3/2018 14:42
I agree, wikey how many kids in this country play video games like that? Tens of Millions, I'd guess. How many kids played cowboys and indians growing up with fake guns and caps that made a gun fire sound? Lots, it's not the games, it's not the guns, imo. It's how kids are raised now adays, both at home and school. Kids are raised with little discipline and very little consequences for their actions.

Nah, that's as much a cop out as the video games.
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Post #294: 8th Mar 2018 2:50 PM 
I mean the quote at the end of the article nails it really:

Dan Hewitt, a spokesman for the Entertainment Software Association, dismissed the notion that video games are driving violent behavior in real life, noting that while other countries also have violent video games, the U.S. still has a higher rate of gun violence.

"Like all Americans, we are deeply concerned about the level of gun violence in the United States," Hewitt said, according to Reuters. "Video games are plainly not the issue: entertainment is distributed and consumed globally, but the U.S. has an exponentially higher level of gun violence than any other nation."
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Post #295: 8th Mar 2018 2:51 PM 
What are the percentages that back up that video games cause kids to be mass murders? To blame just the videos games is the cop out.
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Post #296: 8th Mar 2018 2:56 PM 
Guns don't kill people, video games don't kill people, people kill people.

Let's ban people.
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Post #297: 8th Mar 2018 3:00 PM 
Igor @ 8/3/2018 18:38
Luv Putin performing assassinations in U.K. and nobody giving a shit.

I understand that it was a former Russian official that turned British spy.

If he had been a normal british citizen I don't think anything would've happened. Kinda sets off the alarms though.
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Post #298: 8th Mar 2018 3:07 PM 
Ben @ 8/3/2018 13:42
I agree, wikey how many kids in this country play video games like that? Tens of Millions, I'd guess. How many kids played cowboys and indians growing up with fake guns and caps that made a gun fire sound? Lots, it's not the games, it's not the guns, imo. It's how kids are raised now adays, both at home and school. Kids are raised with little discipline and very little consequences for their actions.

There's some truth to that, but it goes beyond that. It's society in general. From the dehumanization of one another via the internet to the video games, to the lack of responsibility being taught, the shows we watch, the lack of quality health and mental health care. It all adds up to a dog eat dog world. It won't be legislated away. It can only be fixed at the grass roots.
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Post #299: 8th Mar 2018 3:20 PM 
Hetm @ 8/3/2018 14:56
Guns don't kill people, video games don't kill people, people kill people.

Let's ban people.

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Post #300: 8th Mar 2018 3:25 PM 
Although, I would say that the games and shows are a sympton, not a cause. They reflect what people like, not the other way around.
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