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DnD Crafts
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The Godfather
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Post #16: 7th May 2020 1:50 PM 
This is super cool, Curtis!
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Post #17: 7th May 2020 6:01 PM 
I stole a very specific cardboard style that I loved and started making buildings and other small things that way. These were easily the simplest but most tedious things I've made yet. I was worried the cartoony style wouldn't work as well with my other stuff but I actually loved the way they all mixed. I've seen a lot of styrofoam buildings and maybe I'll try that one day but for now Im gonna stick with cardboard for my buildings I think

Blacksmith, Inn, and a small shed

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This one has the barrels and crates I made and some other misc stuff. And this was around the time I bought textured dry erase mats which you can see underneath. I love them. My preferred method is definitely dry erase mats with terrain on top of them

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Post #18: 7th May 2020 6:03 PM 
This one's one of my favorites. Bookshelf made out of poster board

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Post #19: 7th May 2020 6:13 PM 
Also basically the way terrain works is I mix and match all this shit with each other to make different scenes. Some people create the entire scene and glue it all down for a one time use, basically just a diorama. Those look amazing when done right but then you really only use them one time for one encounter

The mix and match type that I do is called modular terrain, I try to make things that I'll get a lot of repeated use from
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Post #20: 7th May 2020 6:19 PM 
Overgrown ruins, not finished in this picture (these are all old pictures). I added some shrubs and vines and more spider webs to them later. The webs are just used drier sheets stretched apart

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The ruins with a bunch of previous stuff:

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and the best thing Ill ever make. It's just a bead of hot glue painted up and a toothpick for the stem:

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The Godfather
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Post #21: 7th May 2020 10:11 PM 
Your creativity to use different materials is amazing, you really have a creative touch! I'm sure this makes the gameplay that much more enjoyable for the whole table being able to immerse into the scene.
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Post #22: 8th May 2020 2:57 PM 

These are all centered around my new favorite material, TEA LIGHTS. Painted some up a few weeks ago to look like dungeon braziers. They look great in person since they flicker

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Post #23: 8th May 2020 3:00 PM 
And then my favorite recyclable craft. I was about to throw away a fast food drink holder but then decided to try to make something out of it

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Orc tents! I put tea lights inside of them and it looks wayyy better in person vs a picture, he glow from the lights shine through the thinner parts of the drink holders. Orc minis compliments of Maddie from this past FE Secret Santa
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Post #24: 8th May 2020 3:07 PM 
aaaand that's where I'm at today minus a handful of things not post-worthy. I'm in a crafting mood like every other week lately, THAT'S WHERE YOU COME IN! This is what I wanna use this thread for

I have a stupid amount of ideas that I wanna get to but I still wanna ask the audience. Throw out ideas for something I can try to make! It can be literally anything that you can see going in these fantasy environments. Think about something you might see in a town square, a dungeon, a forest, a castle, whatever. It can be a prop, type of building, an enemy, or something super DND specific if you're familiar with it

I think it'd be fun to see what you guys come up with and then I'll pick one every now and then and challenge myself to make it. Obviously I'm pretty limited with material right now but that'll make it kinda fun for me, I think my favorites are the ones I made for $0

Suggestion time, 321go
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Post #25: 8th May 2020 4:13 PM 
Liking the flames, very cool.

How about a Watchtower, or a castle with a drawbridge surrounded by a moat
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The Godfather
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Post #26: 8th May 2020 4:32 PM 
I would love to see your take on a wagon, or an ox cart - something they use to get around longer distances.
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Post #27: 8th May 2020 6:18 PM 
Make a dragon
d ( i n o s r o a ) r
"She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT"

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Post #28: 8th May 2020 8:34 PM 
Mittens @ 8/5/2020 16:32
I would love to see your take on a wagon, or an ox cart - something they use to get around longer distances.

Do you play dnd? This is the exact kinda thing that I’ll eventually need to make for sure
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Post #29: 9th May 2020 12:17 AM 
Curtis @ 8/5/2020 20:34
Mittens @ 8/5/2020 16:32
I would love to see your take on a wagon, or an ox cart - something they use to get around longer distances.

Do you play dnd? This is the exact kinda thing that I’ll eventually need to make for sure

I have only gotten into it the past 18 months or so? But strictly online through discord with some of the glb people. Darkus introduced us and I am loving it. Still need to find a in person group of friends, but it works ok online slow playing through campaigns.
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Post #30: 9th May 2020 1:19 AM 
potion rack
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