just saw it, ppp good. Don't think I'd rank it quite up there with GOTG/Iron Man but it's def above most of the MCU
Killmonger stole the show and I wish we had more of him (and I wish he hadn't DIED!! I thought one of the after-credits scene would reveal him as still alive. Would've been great to have him as a recurring villain like Loki). The throne room scene where he reveals his identity and his THEME starts playing was so badass, probably my fav moment of the movie. Michael B. Jordan was a huge part of the character being good (tbh his dialogue was pretty weak for the most part but he made it work), but it was also nice to have a villain with actual nuance/interesting motivations. It wasn't just another "I want to destroy Earth" MCU villain
Speaking of villains...! I was rly enjoying Klaw as a side villain and was surprised they killed him off so early. Serkis definitely was having a lot of fun with it
Everyone in the theater was freaking out at the Bucky reveal at the end but I have no idea where his storyline left off so...eh?
I think that's one of the things I appreciated the most about it though, that it tied so little into the rest of the MCU. It felt very much like a self-contained story which Marvel movies rarely do anymore. That's a nice change of pace before we get Infinity War and its 823957235 overlapping storylines
Unfortunately I didn't find it to be the Marvel gamechanger that everyone else is considering it. It's a shame because I wanted it to be, especially with Coogler at the helm and MBJ
I sorta get why it'll probably be the highest rated superhero movie but I don't agree with it, I certainly don't think it's the best one. It has nothing on The Dark Knight. I think it's low top-tier or high middle-tier Marvel. It had some twists to the format here and there but ultimately it was still just a cleverly disguised formulaic Marvel for me. Maybe that's just the best we're gonna get from Marvel, I still think they're so afraid to take risks and break any sorta mold. MEH. Guardians still came the closest to that
With that aside it was still good and better than a lot of the usual Marvel garbage. The humor still really didn't work for me but they didn't pack as much of it in here. Don't think I laughed a single time
MBJ was really good but I agree that his dialogue was paper thin. The character was fleshed out compared to most Marvel villains but it was still nothing we haven't seen in different places before
Overall it was solid, just a bit disappointing after the hype. Characters were good, both villains were better than average, the music and theme were probably the strength of the movie
The first mid-credit scene should've been the ending of the movie. I guess it technically..was, but it made no sense as a credit scene to me and would've been a better note to end the movie on. Instead of just "hey who are you" *slyly smirks at camera*. It would've fit a lot better if it was "hey how is your poor country gonna help us" *slyly smirks at camera*
And same here Boc @ the Bucky ending. I don't know what that means. He must've been severely wounded at the end of Civil War I guess? idgaf
I agree with the points made above. It was visually pleasing and had it's cool moments/twists but it was still the same old marvel recipe.
I didn't really care for MBJ's character. He's better than the typical Marvel Villain but he wasn't really like a polarizing character. I enjoyed Klaw as a villain though. He was cool.
"So, uh, what are we saying here? If we save LA from a nuclear bomb, then you and I can get together for dinner and a movie?"