- Took the blame of course. No brainer, would've felt too bad for Rachel there and if I was getting expelled that was a selfless enough way to go about it
- Did not empty my pockets. Fuck. THAT! I wasn't sure if I actually had any weed on me but I thought the request was ridiculous. Imagine if a guy that your mom started dating asked that of you? Who the hell are you BRO! Get outta here
- I stayed in the room with Mikey. That was one of the hardest choices..in the series? And about two characters that I didn't really care much about until this episode, that's how effective the writers were in turning things around quickly. Just walking around someone's room and looking at their stuff makes you really emphasize with them, it's great. Ultimately I wanted to listen to Drew when he told me not to open the door, didn't wanna get Mikey hurt. Darren ended up smashing Drew's kneecap which is terribly sad and fucked up, he's probably fucked football wise. A beaten down Drew thanked me for listening to him afterwards which made me feel better
- Kissed Rachel. Like Warren in the first game and Rachel in episode 1 I don't like to rush that stuff at all, but that felt like a pretty good time. Mostly because it followed the GREAT play improv scene which was easily the best moment of the episode. I didn't love the other two options and if there was ever gonna be a time, that felt like it. It was a nice scene
- Fuck Eliot
- Agreed to start over with David and then immediately refused his ridiculous order
- Put the bobble head on the dash. Also snagged three totally different things for the car than you Rose
- Told Steph that stuff with Rachel was complicated
- Absolutely did not return the money to Frank. I gave it right back to beaten down Drew, would've felt awful about keeping it
- Told Samantha to give Nathan space. That relationship is a weird one
- Switched out the tea cups and had Victoria drink the poisoned one. I love this Victoria scene and the one from episode one, it's the best new gag. Hoping there's one in the third ep. Victoria fucking blows
- Told Rachel we should go on a road trip. It feels very them
- I've used the backtalk feature at every possible turn except for at the dinner table. I was so sure the dinner was gonna end in a backtalk confrontation with James since I was auto-saving all of the tidbits he would tell me prior to dinner. I thought the whole drive off with Rachel plan was gonna fall apart because I'd yell at James and then Rachel would get pissed at me for breaking apart her family, so I just sat back and tried to calm Rachel down
Also thought that house was gonna go up in flames. For a brief second I thought she was gonna even throw the candle at her dad and show just how unstable she is (:
Good ep. Play was my favorite part for sure like I said but the Mikey/Drew stuff was great too. The play was especially pretty devastating knowing Rachel's fate from LiS. FUCKED UP!
Other favorite part was when I walked onto the stage for the first time and just took my sweet old time looking at the rock and the pirate ship and walking in circles while the whole audience awkwardly watched and waited. It was such a long awkward pause and finally someone goes "what is she doing?"
This is the first episode where I'd already heard one of the songs before which was weird. Usually I'm not indie or music enough for that to happen. The end song is one of my favorites so it threw me off when it started playing
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE
This is the first episode where I'd already heard one of the songs before which was weird. Usually I'm not indie or music enough for that to happen. The end song is one of my favorites so it threw me off when it started playing
lol same, I was thinking the same thing. Daughter is really good. Most of the music from BTS is music by them specifically for this
so good. Might've been my favorite ep of the series, and this season might top S1 for me by the end tbh, it's at least on the same level so far
episode 2
Like everyone else said, that play scene was easily the highlight of the episode. I was actually worried for a while they were gonna skip right past the play so I was happy we were actually getting to see some of it in the first place, but the improv scene was incredible
Everything feels so depressing with Rachel knowing what's to come. Ugh. Even just drawing that buried treasure graffiti on the junkyard boat knowing what it's about to symbolize. They've done a good job getting me invested in that relationship in a short time which is gonna make episode 3 incredibly devastating
for some reason the funniest line for me was from Mrs. Amber when I asked her how I was doing: "You're doing great. Without you, this dinner would've taken minutes longer to prepare."
- Took the blame for Rachel, ofc. I was fine with playing along with it for our mutual benefit until Wells since she'd be kicked out of The Tempest. I would've felt like shit if I didn't speak up after that
- Emptied pockets at David's request. I told him off for the most part but figured why not since I didn't have any weed anyways
- Gave Damon the money. Partly because I thought it was the best call to stop Drew from getting the shit kicked out of him, but mostly selfishly so I'd get my debt wiped away and get my cut. Buuut that second part didn't happen since the money went through Damon instead of Frank :(
- Asked Rachel to get a tattoo. I don't even remember kiss being an option? But either way I probably would've chose this, like Rose said it seemed like the most fitting thing for Chloe to ask for
- Didn't talk to Eliot about the play. But...I did when he was talking about getting tickets? Unless this meant talking to him afterwards. Also I didn't really hate Eliot, I actually feel far less annoyed by him than I did about Warren. Although his journal is def sketch at the very least
- Refused to start over with David
- Put Elvis on the truck dashboard
- Didn't pay off debt to Frank...I guess this means if I paid him with cash? Cuz I wiped away the debt with the Drew mission
- Didn't tell Steph that Rachel was single
- Didn't return Drew's money to him
- Told Samantha to help Nathan. This led to a super heartwarming moment in the montage when they meet up alone after the play and she applauds for him
- Confronted Victoria before the play. lol I loved how Victoria just passes out and absolutely no one bats an eye
- Told Rachel I'd like to go on a road trip
- Rachel attacked James at dinner. I was trying to keep my COOL! But I'm glad the subject got breached
Even just drawing that buried treasure graffiti on the junkyard boat knowing what it's about to symbolize.
about graffiti
I went for the burial ground graffiti and it was actually sad in a completely different and unexpected way. Chloe made it a memorial to her pirate-persona from playing with Max.
It made me curious if the buried treasure option was more of an allusion since I expected that one to be
d ( i n o s r o a ) r "She essentially tore apart the Hex Girls with a simple STAT" LUCK CREATOR | HEART HACKER | BUY GOLD BYE