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Post #271: 20th Feb 2013 8:52 AM 
Life of Pi was awesome I thought. Better than Django which was very good too.
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Post #272: 21st Feb 2013 11:20 PM 
Identity Thief is pretty shit. I gave it some generous laughs because the company seemed to be enjoying it but a lot of things about it are just unbearable. The contrast of Melissa McCarthy's immense overacting with Jason Bateman's sleepy, mostly dead performance is awful. It even has a decent premise as a road movie and MIKE EHRMANTRAUT but too many things just don't work. I think the SENTIMENTALITY at the end is a major contributor
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Post #273: 22nd Feb 2013 10:42 AM 
The Breakfast Club

Seen it many times before but it's still awesome.
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Post #274: 24th Feb 2013 3:28 PM 
Finally got around to watching the movie Paprika.

It's an anime movie from 2006 and it's kind of a more trippy version of Inception, which to me make it a bit more realistic as dreams really are trippy and random like they are shown here.

The film is animated by Mad House, the people who made the movie Summer Wars, which I loved, and the animation is really good here. The soundtrack is also great.

I watched it in japanese because that's what it was in on tv but there is an english dub. I can't vouch for it though.
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Post #275: 6th Mar 2013 2:58 PM 
Eternal Sunshine again. Definitely my favorite by Kaufman
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Post #276: 6th Mar 2013 9:29 PM 
I saw Silver Linings Playbook! I like Tiffany :)
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Post #277: 6th Mar 2013 11:12 PM 
TCM's having a Kim Novak marathon, and the last movie I watched was Bell, Book, and Candle. It was cute.
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Post #278: 10th Mar 2013 9:40 PM 
Life of Pi

I went into it not expecting much but I was VERY pleasantly surprised. I thought it was fantastic. It starts off a bit slow but by the halfway point you get really emotionally invested. The ending is superb.
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Post #279: 10th Mar 2013 10:02 PM 
In prep for the new Evil Dead my friends and I have watched the evil dead trilogy, we finally got around to watching Army of Darkness, which only I had seen.

That movie is hilarious, and it's just absurd. It'd be like if Saw had a jigsaw comedy film. But it works. Some of my favourite one-liners in this one.
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Post #280: 11th Mar 2013 12:19 AM 
Speaking of Army of Darkness, just got back from OZ. (: PRETTY DAMN GOOD. I thought the CGI would get wearying but once you accept that it's basically a cartoon it's fine. Zack Braff is actually pretty FUNNY which was legitimately shocking. And there are a lot of good tricks in the direction that give it an OLD SCHOOL stage-y quality. Franco is quite good too, charismatic and charming when dealing with people but otherwise a total buffoon. HE BALANCES IT WELL and actually bounces well off of completely CG characters. OVERALL A SOLID ENTERTAINMENT
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Post #281: 22nd Mar 2013 7:14 AM 
The Howling Reborn.

I forgot they made this. I wish I could go back in time two hours.

Could it be? A movie worse than The Howlings II through VII?

Holy shit what a snoozefest. And of course there's review on IMDb saying it is unfairly hated upon and even goes so far as to say it has "perfect cinematography."

Which really made me laugh, because while watching this abortion I was trying to figure out what it is exactly that makes a, say, SyFy original movie so distinguishable from other movies, even at a single glance. I'm not talking about special effects, or not having money for elaborate sets, or believable actors. Is it the cameras they use? Filters? I really don't know but now I want to know. I guess I should thank this movie for provoking some sort of thought in my mind.

But I won't.

Final thoughts -- We get it. The whole werewolf thing is a genius allegory for a puberty/coming of age angle. It has been done. I feel I must reiterate, strictly worse than Howlings II-VII, which is a gargantuan fucking achievement in and of itself. It almost made me hate the first one. I give the movie 0 out of 5 stars, and myself -1 out of 5 stars for expecting anything else from this long terrible franchise.

I'm either going to go to sleep or kill myself, I haven't decided which.
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Post #282: 27th Mar 2013 1:18 PM 
^ great review (:

watched TIMECRIMES. I'd give it 8.5/10. It's a spanish movie so it comes with subs, but it's very easy on the eye cause there's not that much dialogue. The low budget production gives the movie a great vibe.
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Post #283: 30th Mar 2013 3:52 AM 
Not a movie, but I've watched a few first and second season episodes of Rescue Me tonight.

I forgot how good this show was before it transitioned to "Cuckolded Denis Leary's lay of the week."

Still love the 'sees his dead friends and family when he falls off the wagon and gets drunk" angle.
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Post #284: 30th Mar 2013 5:06 AM 
Just finished watching Quarantine.

It's a few years old, I think, and takes a lot of flak for essentially giving away the ending in every single promo ever, but I actually found myself really enjoying it. I don't generally watch horror films, because I've just never really seen the appeal in watching a bunch of random strangers get killed off in horrifying and disgusting ways, but I found myself quite enjoying this one. There was enough character establishment during the first half hour or so of the film to really give you a sense of who the principal characters were in their everyday life, and you could clearly see the sanity slippage starting to set in as things steadily grew worse and worse.

I also really enjoyed the single-camera perspective they used throughout the film. They had some really creative moments with it, even if it was pretty unrealistic that they bashed one of the infected to death with the thing without breaking it. Plus, the fact that you only had the one perspective meant that it was possible for the crazies to literally jump out of nowhere, so there were a few times where one would just pop up and startle me out of my wits. Some of the characters were borderline retarded, though, and that always brings a film down, but for the most part they kept things decently realistic and made it interesting.

Another great thing about the movie was that it showcased how good of an actress Jennifer Carpenter actually is. The first thing I ever saw her in was White Chicks, in which she was hilarious, and then Dexter, which is about as far removed from that as it's possible to get, then her acting in this was somewhere in the middle of both of those, but still amazing. She was essentially adorable in the opening bits of the film, and when she was essentially reduced to a gibbering terrified lunatic in the last bits, it actually made you feel sorry for her instead of just wanting her to shut up and die already. (For an example of this not working out, look no further than Dakota Fanning in War of the Worlds, whose survival was only the second-biggest letdown of the film because the brother deserved to live even less.)
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Post #285: 30th Mar 2013 2:10 PM 
You should check out REC. It's the Spanish movie that Quarantine is based off of. I've only seen bits, but I hear it's pretty scary and better. I did like Quarantine though
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