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2.3: Silly Geese!
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Post #226: 10th Jun 2022 8:43 PM 
1-2-2-3-4-4. Oh boy!
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Post #227: 10th Jun 2022 8:52 PM 
I'd like to use the lucky feat to reroll
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Post #228: 10th Jun 2022 9:04 PM 
Carmen sat uneasily in the car glancing at the other boys. This was all a bit thrilling being back in action and she hoped she wouldn't let the team down.

"Why did he have pins and thread on a rolled out map on the table anyway" she muttered under her breath.

Some distance from the target they came to a stop and she got out saying her goodbyes to Percy. Just briefly. There was no way this job would go poorly.

As she stood on the side of the road she adjusted her dress and slicked back her lucky feather.

"C'mon girl you've got this"

Putting on her most impressive strut she made her way down the street toward the Seagift Fishing Co entrance.

Two Russian guards stood out front with guns to their side as they seemed to be chatting to each other. Languages was Carmen's strong suit. Other than saying things like "harder" or "disgusting little turkey" she was a bit at a loss at what they were saying. Her head down behind a crate she watched their bills moved and guessed what they were saying to each other.

"Hey Johnny me and the wife were looking for a third"

"Gee wiz Linus, your wife is a real looker I'll be there in a jiffy."

"Just make sure you don't die for a worthless dame who ultimately doesn't give a shit about you"

Ah what the fuck was that? Carmen shook her head. Now was not the time for any of that shit.

She noticed one of the guards wave to the other and go inside leaving just the one outside. Now was her chance to pull off her flawless maneuver.

She adjusted the front of her chest to show off her plumage and walked confidently forward.

"Excuse me miss this is private property" the goose called out
His name tag read 'Andrei'

"Oh i-"

[Roll call]
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Post #229: 10th Jun 2022 9:48 PM 
Zersch @ 10/6/2022 17:22

Have a 2! 😇
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Post #230: 10th Jun 2022 9:52 PM 
Boc 2 to Zersch
Zersch 2 to Christian
Christian 4 to JJ
JJ 4 to Rose
Rose 1
Mal 3
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Post #231: 10th Jun 2022 9:58 PM 
Now technically it should be Rose has to give her 1 to Mal because Mal and Boc both still need a result. But I'm gonna say that if someone is left over and hasn't given yet and hasn't been given one yet, then their result can default to them. You just cant CHOOSE to give it to yourself, only if there's no other choice

So in this instance Rose and Mal still have a choice, first come first served
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Post #232: 10th Jun 2022 10:03 PM 
(I just want to say, I have no idea how this is a game, but I'm having a hell of a time reading along. Keep it up geese!)
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Post #233: 10th Jun 2022 10:06 PM 
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Post #234: 10th Jun 2022 11:14 PM 
"I'm a driver, not a gladiator." A badly beaten Ryan spat out of his bent bill. He sat from his splayed position on the dock, holding his eye and nursing his ego as much as he was his beaten and bruised body.

"Yeah, no fuckin' shit. Never seen my uncle actually get embarrassed because of how badly he beat someone's ass before. First time for everything." Red shook his head, helping Ryan up from the ground. "Gotta say, that was pretty weak Big Wing. Maybe we gotta roll it back and just call you Wing now, who tha fuck knows." Red laughed.

"Anyway, sorry 'bout the boat. And, uh, it's probably for the best if you lose that 'card' I gave you. It's not evergreen anymore." Red shrugged and then turned, disappearing into his uncle's houseboat. One of the boys followed him.

Ryan was left standing alone with just the one Boy. The silence was heavy, and quite awkward.

"Well, take care, the Boy." Ryan hastily turned to leave

"Wait... I feel bad about just how thoroughly you got your ass kicked, and I think I can help you." Boy said.

Ryan froze. "Are you offering to help me beat the shit out of your uncle and take his boat...?"

"Not quite." Boy said, producing a small piece of paper.


"...with the coupon the total comes to 175 dollars for the all day rental on all of these." The marina's rental manatee laid out the damage.

Ryan was stood looking down at a pile of one-size-fits-all-animals scuba diving gear. It was going to have to work. They were going to have to understand.

After settling up, Ryan and the Boy took to loading the gear into a nearby rowboat. The Squawd wouldn't escape a river snail in it, but it would get him and the gear to the rendezvous point. And then, perhaps a miracle would happen.

"Hop in, I'll push you off since you're so weak."

The Boy didn't even appear to be making fun, he seemed concerned. Ryan didn't argue, hobbling his busted up body into the rowboat. Boy situated himself and pushed the rowboat down the mooring and into the water. And then at the last moment, he hopped in, too. Ryan wanted to protest, but he was beaten down so badly that he didn't even bother. This complication would have to sort itself out later.

It would have taken him hours to row there on his own anyway, if he even made it at all. While the Boy took up an oar, Ryan slumped against the other side of the boat, and dropped his boat paddle wing into the water and began to row.
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Post #235: 11th Jun 2022 5:14 AM 
I'll give my 3 to Boc
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Post #236: 11th Jun 2022 6:35 AM 
Curtis @ 10/6/2022 21:52
Boc 2 to Zersch
Zersch 2 to Christian
Christian 4 to JJ
JJ 4 to Rose
Rose 1
Mal 3

Mal 3 to Boc which is gonna force Rose 1 to Mal
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Post #237: 11th Jun 2022 6:38 AM 
And again, anyone can feel free to wrap their story up after they’ve resolved their roll call. Like making their way to the getaway etc. Whatever you’d like to do just go for it, don’t be afraid to be the person posting more updates than the others
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Post #238: 11th Jun 2022 11:37 AM 
Percival began to tremble as Mischka's paw slowly reached out for something...was this it? Is this how it ends? Had the bear somehow seen through my paper-thin excuse for being here?


Percival winced at the sound, and couldn't even bear to look up anymore. This is definitely it. I'm cooked.

"Boss man. Strange fat bird for you at gate. Talks too much. Very annoying. Know him?"

Percival hesitantly opened his eyes and noticed that the bear had, in fact, just reached for an intercom.

"Yes. Yes. Very well, Mikhail. Do svidaniya." Mischka continued as he hung up the intercom and looked back at Percy.

"You. You never state name. Your name Percival, yes?"

"W-well my friends call me--yes. Name's Percival, that's me!" Percival grinned. "So, you gonna let me see boss man now, yes?!"

Mischka narrowed his eyes and stared ahead.

"Boss man busy. Try again another day if you wish. He busy training new security to keep out...riff-raff." Mischka's last word seemed particularly pointed.

Looks like this is a big fat dead end. If Mikhail is at large while everyone is in there...this can't end well.

But suddenly, something dawned on Percy, as he worked up the courage to say one more thing to Mischka.

"Well, fair enough! I'll be on my way then! Oh, actually, one last thing...you got a favorite sports team? I take you for a big hockey guy!"

Mischka was skeptical, but couldn't pass up the opportunity to espouse about his favorite pasttime. He poked his head out the booth, his nametag dangling out as well.

"Of course. Big fan of Unicorns. This may be their year, I feel it." he said with about all the passion he could muster.

"Oho! The Unicorns! I love how they...hockey! Hey, they won a championship a few decades back, right?"

"Yes. Yes. '96. Tarkovsky MVP season. Very special year."

"Ahh right...'96! Loved that one too! Man, that was a while ago. You must've been, what...ten years old at the time? Fifteen, tops!"

Mischka was getting increasingly skeptical, but was in enough of a good mood from the subject to oblige.

"Twelve years old. Yes. Best childhood memory." he may have even cracked a slight smile as he wistfully recalled that special moment.

"Twelve. Got it!" Percival said as he gave another long look at Mischka's nametag, his eyes darting back and forth across all its contents. "...well thanks Mischka you've been a big help today but I gotta go see ya bud bud!!"

Percival quickly pulled a U-turn and drove away before he could even get a response. In his rearview mirror, he could see Mischka staring back at him...almost a sadness in his eyes.

Half a mile down the road, Percival pulled into a disused alleyway and reached under his seat to fish out his trusty laptop. He didn't think he'd need it today but...there's a reason why he scarcely left home without it. His wings clacked against the keys with a fury, before he was greeted with a login screen.

Seagift Fishing Co Employee Login. Please enter Employee ID and password.

Percival clacked away a few more times as he strained to remember every last digit from that nametag...

EmployeeID: 15903213591
Password: unicorns84

Percival's wing hovered over the Enter key before he brought it down with authority.

Login succeeded!

"I'm in." Percy squealed.

Percival proceeded to open Mischka's email and began to compose a message to boss man Mikhail himself.

Subject: Emergency!
Message: Boss man. Big bear Mischka here. No time to explain. I heard a message from YOUR boss man that he needs you at HQ immediately! Don't call me up on the intercom to confirm, there's no time! Boss man's boss man says it's a matter of life and death. Sounds serious boss man, you better hop to it! Oh, and make sure to bring a big security detail with you. Like I said, life and death! Okay goodbye.

Percival grinned as he clicked 'Send'. Perfect. Just perfect! This was sure to work. Percy took himself a well-earned break as he put his seat recliner back and shoveled some breadcrumbs into his mouth.
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Post #239: 11th Jun 2022 12:40 PM 
(At a wedding today so I’ll be updating tomorrow assuming everyone is wrapped up by then)
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Post #240: 11th Jun 2022 3:22 PM 
Sergei was speaking to someone through the walkie talkie. It was all in Russian so Louis could only make out a few words.

"... guard... Oleg... no... yes... kill?" Louis used his novice Russian skills to translate in his head. Hopefully he was wrong about that last word...

I wish I had kept up with those Russian lessons on Duolingo, thought Louis.

Finally, Sergei finished speaking and let the wing holding the walkie talkie relax down to his side.

"You not supposed to be here," Sergei said with a frown.

Louis's changed his face to a pathetic, innocent expression, designed to draw the most sympathy, if that were even possible.

"Oh? I was - I was given instructions, I guess I could have gotten them confused, but-" Louis started to explain.

"You go outside! Guard perimeter!" said Sergei. "You no guard inside!"

Ohhh.. Louis nodded with understanding. What were the chances they had stolen a uniform off the guard who was actually new to the job? Okay, some good luck - he needed it. But, it wasn't going to get him near the security cameras. Louis looked over Sergei's shoulder as he was speaking and noticed a closed door off to the right with a sign that said "Security." That was the direction Sergei had come from. He needed to get into that room!

Sergei was pointing with the wing not holding the walkie talkie. Louis followed the direction of the extended wing and realized he was meant to go back out the way he had come in. He nodded and turned to make his way back outside, but as he was halfway around he stopped and made a point to look at the two guards who were still looking toward the distraction on the other end of the warehouse. He looked at Sergei, then back at the guards.

"Hopefully no trouble over there." Louis said as he gestured.

Sergei looked to that end of the warehouse, seemingly for the first time. His face showed concern.

"Yes, you go. I take care of." Sergei waved Louis off in a dismissive gesture.

Louis nodded again and started back toward the doorway. As he went he noticed Sergei was back on his walkie talkie and heading to the other end of the warehouse. When he got near the doorway, he made a quick left and in his slinkiest stealthiest way he made a beeline for the security room.

When he reached it, he looked around and saw Sergei was halfway to the other end of the warehouse with the nearer two guards still looking on. Louis slipped into the security room and closed the door behind him.

In front of him was a long desk with a keyboard, mouse, and several monitors. He could see a few different camera views on the monitors. Some were in the warehouse, from the three cameras he had seen. There was one more inside, so four total. The other views were outside the warehouse. Louis looked at one monitor and saw Steve running around like a chicken with its head cut off and two armed guards... were they shooting at him? And there was paint everywhere! If it wasn't so serious it would be funny. Okay, it was funny, Louis chuckled.

On another monitor he noticed Sergei was heading for that area, but who knew how long he would be there? He had to move fast. Louis pulled out his pocket watch and looked at it fondly. He noted the time. He should take care of things and then get out of here in 4 minutes to be safe. 5 minutes tops.

Louis looked at the monitor directly in front of the keyboard. He was no Percival but he thought he could figure out how to turn the monitors on and off. He needed to disable the cameras, though. Louis thought for a moment. He just needed to disable the cameras where Nene was going to be. She would be looking through the boxes. There were two cameras views showing pallets stacked with boxes.

He sat down and moved the mouse. The monitor in front of him lit up but there was a sign-on screen. Oh, Bird Poop! he thought. Of course he didn't have the password. He typed in Sergei, which of course didn't work. Louis put his bill on his wing and thought for a moment.

He noticed a framed photo on the desk. It looked like Sergei with his family. His wife was attractive and there was a cute little gosling in her arms. Louis picked up the frame, took off the back, and looked at the back of the photo. There was writing on the photo. It said "Sergei, Anya and Sofia." It was dated this year.

He typed in Anya. No dice. Then he tried Sofia, still didn't work. Then he tried Sofia and added the year. The screen opened up! Silly Russian gander, Louis thought.

Louis worked as fast as he could. There was a program showing the camera views and monitor #s. It wasn't very difficult and he was able to turn off the two cameras trained on the boxes and change the views so those camera views weren't displayed at all. Instead two of the other camera angles had duplicate views. It was a quick fix and would surely be detected eventually, but Nene was pretty good. Despite those thick glasses he knew Nene could work pretty fast. She was a smart goose.

Louis slipped out of the warehouse and was on his way back to the docks to meet up with the others. Hopefully Steve would make it out alive, Louis thought and grimaced...

Then he let his thoughts turn to a more pleasant subject and his face lit up. Louis couldn't wait to see the beautiful boat Ryan had snagged for them.
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