If Amanda and Elissa go the same night, I'm going to be so happy. And that does appear to be what is going to happen. It might kill the excitement level, but I wasn't very entertained by the dueling twats attitude they both had.
HOLY SHIT, Michelle & Ollie leaving in a one-two punch has been topped officially. Good fucking riddance to both of those clowns. Amanda is such a shit player and totally overrated. Same narcissistic "ANYONE WHO TARGETS ME IS A BAD PLAYER" psychology that the veterans had in BB13.
Literally jumped to my feet when Judd won POV. Elissa solidified herself as an idiot with not only her speech, but seriously thinking McCrae voted out Amanda. LOL! Why the fuck do people like this stupid bitch so much?
I'm quite happy with this final five to be honest.
Elissa's face has never looked as plastic as it does right now. Glossy sweat shine.
And no, they've never had three DE's before. Hell, I don't think they ever had 2. Between a 16 person cast (Biggest ever 9 and 14 don't count due to the twists that came with the big casts) and a returning player twist, it took them a long time to get down in numbers.
Don't really like the sweeps but whatever. It's kind of funny cause Amanda and Elissa prevented me from watching feeds, but now that they're gone... I'm guessing the game is going to be completely devoid of drama until the end so what's the point in watching them now? Lul.
Spence is guaranteed F3 at the very least. I would even see he's guaranteed F2 at this point. I can see Judd and Andy both wanting him there. McCrae will want someone that's easy to beat now that his pig is gone. GM... who knows. No way he'll win but it'll be funny to see him there anyway. But yeah, Judd and Spencer would be my ideal F2 based off my personal likability. I think Andy's played hands down the best game though. Played both sides very well, able to cover his tracks respectfully. Thought he would be toast after his HOH, but I was proven wrong.
McCrae is an idiot for using his HOH to avenge Amanda instead of trying to take out Judd or Andy. So I don't have much faith hat his game will improve with Amanda gone, but whatever. Then again, game isn't hugely important in the F5 as is winning and surviving. Gotta somewhat root for my pre-game favorite I suppose cause... of reasons.
HoH has made their nominations, and Veto has been won.
Spencer put up GM and McCrae, and McCrae won the veto. I assume Judd is going up in his place, because I'm seeing tons of posts about Judd acting like a child, Throwing tantrums and cussing out production.
Elissa's face has never looked as plastic as it does right now. Glossy sweat shine.
That was terrible, my daughter and I spent the whole time commenting on her appearance, didn't really hear a word she said :x
A lesson without pain is meaningless. That's because no one can gain without sacrificing something. But by enduring that pain and overcoming it, he shall obtain a powerful, unmatched heart. A fullmetal heart.
lol @ Jokers making every evicted person above the current F5 in their rankings. All that buttrage.
Why is Judd so hated now anyway? He use to be above Elissa even in popualrity. Figured with Elissa leaving, he'd be the one people would root for now, but McCrae is higher than him on the polls by a large margin. Is it cause he didn't use veto to save Elissa?
Anyway should be noted that double evicted is stretching across the Wed and Thurs episodes. I wouldn't have known this if I didn't read it somewhere. Feeds are going down too for 24 hours too for... anyone that still watches them for whatever reason.
Judd's been a huge baby on the live feeds. He, along with the other five houseguests, have done nothing but bash Elissa. Andy can't keep her name out of his mouth, which makes no sense to me at all because she never did anything to him? Anyway, when McCrae won PoV Judd had a giant bitch fit and started whining and cussing out production and all that jazz. He's also made some pretty misogynistic comments about the jury house, so basically everyone hates him now.