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DvG - Finale
 Poll Question: Who do you WANT to win?
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Post #181: 20th Dec 2018 2:53 AM 
JJ @ 19/12/2018 20:07
I want this so bad! I would stop crying about Christian/Davie leaving if Mike leaves.

This was exactly how I felt while watching! I was so sad it didn't happen, but was happy that Nick beat Mike at the end. Small victory. I wanted Christian and Davie in the f3.
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Post #182: 21st Dec 2018 2:25 AM 
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^^^me when Nick won

This was a really really good season (the idol nullifier was a bit much but ehh) and if Mike had won it would have soured me on it SO much. An Angelina win would have been lulzy but not satisfying at all. Nick winning was so so nice to watch.

Wanted to mute Gabby and Angelina during FTC. Fucking annoying.

The title of next season sounds like a stupid Transformers movie. And what an awful pool of returnees. Bleck.
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Post #183: 21st Dec 2018 5:41 PM 
I was so happy that Nick won out of the final 3. I hated Mike's game. And Angelina always made herself look like a fool, imo.

Thankfully the reunion show was short and sweet.

The 'cheating' thing is kind of disappointing. But Alec was there at the reunion so maybe because they weren't doing anything about the 'cheating', they decided not to ban Alec.
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Post #184: 21st Dec 2018 6:12 PM 
Also, Angelina took credit for finding an idol when Mike and Nick helped her find it.
All she did was find the clue on her own (and then lost it!) lol
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Post #185: 22nd Dec 2018 5:10 AM 
Christian @ 21/12/2018 17:12
Also, Angelina took credit for finding an idol when Mike and Nick helped her find it.
All she did was find the clue on her own (and then lost it!) lol

But she could have died!! That climb was so high and dangerous.
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Post #186: 22nd Dec 2018 10:24 AM 
I heard somewhere it was like 100ft up
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Post #187: 23rd Dec 2018 5:49 AM 
The Davie boot sucked, he had no edit at all before leaving which I hated.

I like that Nick won. He's a good winner. Season was very good overall. I also disliked Mike, so I was happy that he didn't win.
Def. one of the better seasons.

Who are the returnees next season? Joe, Aubrey, who else?
I don't like Joe and Aubrey :(
John Snav
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Post #188: 23rd Dec 2018 4:17 PM 
Joe Aubry Wentworth David (MvGx)
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Post #189: 23rd Dec 2018 5:00 PM 
Dale Wentworth
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Post #190: 24th Dec 2018 11:32 AM 
Oh I don't mind Kelley and David actually, esp. Kelley is OK IMO. What's with giving people a third chance though? Why not give other people a second shot at it :/
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Post #191: 24th Dec 2018 2:00 PM 
me watching the finale

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Post #192: 24th Dec 2018 4:36 PM 
Jeremy wasnt at the live finale because he left the prejury trip early
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Post #193: 31st Dec 2018 6:01 AM 
A little late to this but that's because I just ended up watching the finale. Overall, a terrific season I thought. The editing was the best its been in a while and I enjoyed a lot of the people they had on. Unfortunately, I think its one of the worst F3s I can remember and I think Nick is overall an ehhhh winner
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Post #194: 22nd Oct 2023 4:58 AM 
Another season down. Thanks for the recommendation Boc, vry good. Even though I'm just going in order (:

Hey Curtis, you mis-numbered the Episode 12 thread Episode 11 and I got spoiled on Christian leaving!!! I just wanted to see FE's reaction to Gabby's blindside :(

"Christian, do you want to play with me?"
"Play with you? Oh! In the sand?"

Man I don't think I've ever laughed at a little moment in this show ever as much as that one.

God I loved Christian. I rooted for him so very hard in this season and it was heartbreaking that he got eliminated in the episode before the finale. The casting for this season was definitely strong. Lots of really great characters and although I really didn't like 4/6 in the finale episode, they all at least had some sort of storyline going for them to make me believe why they were there. Totally unlike this last season where you pretty much knew it was between two people. The twists are getting a little out of hand though and while it did lead to some really cool moments (Dan leaving mainly), it really does still feel like people are becoming successful in the game from twists falling in their lap rather than purely good gameplay. But I think it's pretty much cemented that those aren't ever going away.

This was overall a really strong season though! Finally a season I wasn't VERY MUCH spoiled on (I already knew Mike played and lost, which sure made FTC anticlimatic for me... and I knew John got idol'd out, but I didn't know when). There's a few people that played here I'd love to see play again. Nick was always one of my favorites. I was rooting heavily for Christian and Davie first but Nick's performance on the finale was excellent. Loved his story.

Also unpopular opinion but I've warmed up to the F4 fire and... can't believe I'm saying this... the FTC format. I thought I would haaaaate not having indvidual questions but quite honestly... it's not a bad thing. So many dumb unncessary soapbox moments. Like a random example would be Jeffra in Cagayan. "Hey you voted me out now tell me why I was so great!" No, fuck that. That's dumb. It makes it much more about the final three and less about jerking off the dweebs on the jury.
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Post #195: 22nd Oct 2023 5:47 AM 
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