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Ghost Island - Finale
 Poll Question: WHO DO YOU WANT TO WIN?
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Post #181: 28th May 2018 3:23 PM 
Yeah, I think Dom deserved it more. I liked Wendell, too, though. The worst part of the finale was having to see/listen to Kellyn again.
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Post #182: 21st Oct 2023 6:31 AM 
Ok next season I'm caught up on.... here goes!

Man it was a trip seeing everyone's interest in this season just waaaaane through the threads as the season went on. (:

Editing was not this season's strong suit. Which is a shame as I felt HvHvH, while it had an unlikable cast, it FOR SURE had a memorable one. I could tell you quite a few things about everyone on that cast. Here? There was still invisible players into the FINAL SEVEN. No good. Dunno if that's just poor editing or if the cast truly did suck but even some of the more prominent characters like Michael and Sebastian were really boring so I guess it was the cast. I did enjoy the Chris vs. Dom feud and the payoff was fun but afterwards, it definitely felt like it turned into the Wendell and Dom show. I enjoyed both of them very much and was rooting heavily for Dom to make it far (Already knew Wendell won and would have never expected them to make it to the end together) but I wish I could have cared about more of these people. I hated the Naviti majority other than them because they were just so unlikeable. But it was pretty difficult for me to root for the underdogs cause they were either bland or awful players. Think this game was robbed of some potentially great characters with the early boots such as Jacob, Bradley, Brendan, Steph and even first boot Gonzalas which left a lot of duds into the merge.

I will say the following though:
- Despite how much this game kind of dragged at the end, the finale was EXCELLENT. That F6 tribal was fucking iconic. Dom was the man there. I'm not big on this silly fire making stuff at F4 but with it not being a dumb unannounced twist this time around I.... didn't mind it?! I guess it kind of fullfilled what Probst said he wanted it to accomplish in Angela not just being the obvious goat to take. And of course that FTC, holy shit!
- As weak as this cast was, Dom/Wendell are up there as one of my favorite duos ever. I absolutely loved their friendship and banter. And they both played an amazing game. The tie was so appropriate to happen between them. I did very slightly like Dom more and so wish I didn't know who won already to make the final tribal a bit more suspenseful between two people I really liked. But I'm still stoked Wendall won.

And lastly, I'm so happy we banned Igor.
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