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Post #166: 18th Aug 2013 10:05 PM 
I LOVE ndim as a hosting site and prefer it over invision and proboards... but (: ever since I got to my university any ndim forums have not loaded on my university's wifi (University of Florida) so I have to go on my phone and turn wifi off to load boards which is how I'm making this post hey :)

Just a heads up idk if this is anything that can be fixed but maybe others have similar issues idk!
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Post #167: 19th Aug 2013 12:00 AM 
Thanks for letting me know. I'll take a look into that right away.
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Post #168: 19th Aug 2013 12:22 AM 
I've added a blockquote tag to the BB code selection. Text inside will be placed in an indented section in the middle of the post. I know a couple of people were requesting this one.
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Post #169: 22nd Aug 2013 12:19 PM 
Animal @ 18/8/2013 23:05
I LOVE ndim as a hosting site and prefer it over invision and proboards... but (: ever since I got to my university any ndim forums have not loaded on my university's wifi (University of Florida) so I have to go on my phone and turn wifi off to load boards which is how I'm making this post hey :)

Just a heads up idk if this is anything that can be fixed but maybe others have similar issues idk!

Update: apparently this is only an issue in my dorm. (Of course) anywhere else on campus seems to be fine lol
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Post #170: 27th Aug 2013 8:16 AM 
Apparently there was a major issue with the skin builder. Threads weren't being saved with a background colour if you selected one. I only just found out about this so I've updated it straight away.

If you've had any issues making skins and the threads not updating right, you need to go into those skins and re-save them. It should fix the background colour in the threads for you.
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Post #171: 28th Aug 2013 11:27 AM 
i know i mentioned this before but not being able to open a new tab for a different page of the same thread due to lol java is still a pain
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Post #172: 17th Sep 2013 6:42 PM 
im317 @ 28/8/2013 12:27
i know i mentioned this before but not being able to open a new tab for a different page of the same thread due to lol java is still a pain

only quoting this because it really bugged me in the mafia game. actually posting about something else.

i use Firefox and the add-on NoScript. normally the way it works is that i have to click a little flash icon to allow flash video to play, however on these forums something goes wrong. after i click to allow the video to play it never loads. i know this is probably just something i have to live with but if you can do anything about it that would be great.
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Post #173: 24th Sep 2013 9:39 AM 
I'll look into both problems for you.

I have actually looked into the first one quite a lot. Please don't think I'm ignoring it. I have been doing a lot less work on NDim in general lately, largely because I needed a break to sort some things out, but in the small spells I've been at it, I took a look into that specific problem for you.

The reason it's still not fixed is because I still can't emulate it. Emulation is a large part of the battle when it comes to development. If I can recreate the problem myself, I can change the conditions which generate the problem ever so slightly in order to eventually find a solution.

But as of yet there's no browser setup, forum or thread combination which has allowed me to generate this problem for myself. I know for a fact it's not something to do with your machine or the add-ons because other people on ProM reported exactly the same bug. It's a very frustrating one to fix, but I will keep looking.
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Post #174: 24th Sep 2013 9:42 AM 
Incidentally the whole reason why changing pages in threads is not a trivial thing like most other forum software is because I encode the page numbers to change pages on the thread differently.

Most sites just put them as straightforward links so there's never a problem with middle-clicking, since all browsers pretty much default the middle click on a link to open it in a new tab.

With NDim, I wanted to make it so the contents of the "Fast Reply" box stay there when you switch pages. It's a personal gripe I've found with forum software in the past because I will often skim a number of pages and post my thoughts as I go. It makes it handy to be able to collect them, flip the pages and still keep whatever you typed intact in the box down there.

This means that I can't just have the page numbers as standard links, so I have to manually override how the browser handles a middle-click on those numbers. I tell it to open the page in a new tab, but there must be something blocking that from working right.
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Post #175: 24th Sep 2013 9:45 AM 
Also unrelated, but I built a suggestion box for NDim that automatically forwards all suggestions to a database I can keep proper track of. I'm a bit haphazard with keeping all of them down because they tend to come from a lot of different places (forum threads, PMs, AIM etc.) all at once.

I haven't posted the link to it yet or made it active on the site because it was a bit rough around the edges. I've just been manually inputting all of your suggestions in on it. It'll probably be a lot easier to use this thing though so I can keep a steady to-do list. I'll work on getting it ready for public release sometime this week.

In the meantime keep posting your suggestions and I'll manually add them to the list.
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Post #176: 24th Sep 2013 12:53 PM 
Not so much a request but a question...

What is a "redirection" board, and how do you use them/what uses are there for them? I am just curious.
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Post #177: 24th Sep 2013 12:59 PM 
It's basically a glorified link on the homepage of your forum. It sits there like a regular forum with its own icon and description, but you can't click into it. If you click on the forum link, it redirects you to whatever link is specified in the admin CP.

It also tracks how many times it's been clicked. Useful if you want to have a link to other sites in a very visible location somewhere.
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Post #178: 24th Sep 2013 1:03 PM 
^ I absolutely loved that on the old Invision forums. Good feature to have for archives and shit. Also when toplists were a thing.

Been playing around with this a bit over the past few months and I think I've decided if I ever host again, it's going to be through NDIM.
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Post #179: 24th Sep 2013 1:05 PM 
KC @ 24/9/2013 14:03
^ I absolutely loved that on the old Invision forums. Good feature to have for archives and shit. Also when toplists were a thing.

Been playing around with this a bit over the past few months and I think I've decided if I ever host again, it's going to be through NDIM.

You should at least host enough URTVs to have an all-stars ;)
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Post #180: 24th Sep 2013 1:21 PM 
Those old toplist sites were the shit. I remember spamming the hell out of them back in the day for whatever site I was moderating at the time.
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