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Fox 21
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Butt Not Even Visible
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Post #151: 10th Mar 2021 7:35 PM 
Monday has a feel

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Post #152: 10th Mar 2021 7:35 PM 
Friday has a feel

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Post #153: 10th Mar 2021 7:35 PM 
Sunday has a feel

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Post #154: 10th Mar 2021 7:43 PM 
Rodney @ 10/3/2021 19:34
Grease Jar Jake @ 10/3/2021 18:09
Rodney @ 10/3/2021 17:55
Jacob why do you always insist on giving trash answers and making us go through this

I'm sorry I answer honestly and don't try and metagame my answers because I am afraid of getting lynched like you do

You have always been known for hating Koah Rong and Wednesday doesn't have a feel. Answers bad

##lynch Jacob

Wednesday is Survivor night.
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Post #155: 10th Mar 2021 7:47 PM 
I almost said Thursday bc Thursday USED to be survivor night. And it was a big thing with me and my mom.

But now I’m an adult and Sunday Mimosas make Sunday my fav day
Grease Jar Jake
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Jacob; ORG player
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Post #156: 10th Mar 2021 7:55 PM 
Rodney @ 10/3/2021 19:34
Grease Jar Jake @ 10/3/2021 18:09
Rodney @ 10/3/2021 17:55
Jacob why do you always insist on giving trash answers and making us go through this

I'm sorry I answer honestly and don't try and metagame my answers because I am afraid of getting lynched like you do

You have always been known for hating Koah Rong and Wednesday doesn't have a feel. Answers bad

##lynch Jacob

So did you just skip over my explanation of why Wednesdays are distinctly different for me than other weekdays?
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Post #157: 10th Mar 2021 7:59 PM 
Grease Jar Jake @ 10/3/2021 19:55
Rodney @ 10/3/2021 19:34
Grease Jar Jake @ 10/3/2021 18:09
Rodney @ 10/3/2021 17:55
Jacob why do you always insist on giving trash answers and making us go through this

I'm sorry I answer honestly and don't try and metagame my answers because I am afraid of getting lynched like you do

You have always been known for hating Koah Rong and Wednesday doesn't have a feel. Answers bad

##lynch Jacob

So did you just skip over my explanation of why Wednesdays are distinctly different for me than other weekdays?

No I saw it I just can't get past KR enough that I don't fully buy that is not a cover

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Shark from Jaws
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Post #158: 10th Mar 2021 8:07 PM 
Tina Fey and Jerry Seinfeld are comedians.

Could the fox's be Vern and Shadow?
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Stargate that right there is the GAME WINNING vote bay bayyyyyyy
Grease Jar Jake
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Jacob; ORG player
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Post #159: 10th Mar 2021 8:09 PM 
Rodney @ 10/3/2021 19:59
Grease Jar Jake @ 10/3/2021 19:55
Rodney @ 10/3/2021 19:34
Grease Jar Jake @ 10/3/2021 18:09
Rodney @ 10/3/2021 17:55
Jacob why do you always insist on giving trash answers and making us go through this

I'm sorry I answer honestly and don't try and metagame my answers because I am afraid of getting lynched like you do

You have always been known for hating Koah Rong and Wednesday doesn't have a feel. Answers bad

##lynch Jacob

So did you just skip over my explanation of why Wednesdays are distinctly different for me than other weekdays?

No I saw it I just can't get past KR enough that I don't fully buy that is not a cover

Aight, well let me take you through this thought exercise:

1) I would want to recommend a season of modern Survivor to a first time user. This is more a matter of preference but if they were going to get into it long-term, I would want them to know what they were getting into. This leaves something like 27-40
2) I would not want to recommend a season with any returnees. This leaves 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, and maybe 39.
3) I would not want to recommend any season with the dumb final 4 twist lol. This leaves 28, 29, 30, 32, 33
4) Not Worlds Apart lol. 28, 29, 32, 33
5) Controversial but not Cagayan because it's just so atypical with its winner and I just didn't like it as much as most people. It's solid but it might be the most overrated season imo. 29, 32, 33
6) I have been documented as disliking 29 as well, and I wasn't even really distracted when I was watching 29 as I watched it over the summer

and then I explained why I chose 32 over 33. Kaoh Rong is just a very normal, modern season without any absurd twists or returnees
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Post #160: 10th Mar 2021 8:14 PM 
##vote Mal

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Post #161: 10th Mar 2021 8:15 PM 
Grease Jar Jake @ 10/3/2021 22:03
Lamps @ 10/3/2021 14:54

Herm said Heroes vs Villains

Would you really recommend someone new to be spoiled about prev seasons? Like you’d be spoiled about former winners if you start with HvV.

Also Emilia Clarke stands out to me as someone you would want to be RELATED to?

Heroes vs Villains was the first one I watched and it really got me hooked lol.

Emilia Clarke feels like a fun person to have in your life, I wouldn't mind having her as a sister lol.
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Post #162: 10th Mar 2021 8:16 PM 
Stargate @ 11/3/2021 3:07
Tina Fey and Jerry Seinfeld are comedians.

Could the fox's be Vern and Shadow?

I was ruling out Seinfeld because he's jewish I guess. Would that make sense from Vern's POV?
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Post #163: 10th Mar 2021 8:17 PM 
jacob i hope you savor these last 11 posts
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Post #164: 10th Mar 2021 8:19 PM 
We should be looking for alternatives for the Fox question.

I might vote 2 people who went with chocolate bar???
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Shark from Jaws
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Post #165: 10th Mar 2021 8:24 PM 
1. What is your favorite day of the week?

Curtis said Saturday
Cody said Sunday
Ahoda said Saturday
Lamps said Sunday
Rodney said Sunday
Jamie said Saturday
Boc said Saturday
Badger said Saturday
Merc said Saturday
Shadow said Sunday
Vern said Saturday

TiB said Saturday

2.What is one candy you could go without eating for the rest of your life?

Nav said Reese's Pieces
Curtis said Reese's Pieces
Shadow said Reeses
Vern said Reece's Pieces

3. Who was your biggest influence growing up?

Jamie said my mom
Boc said my mama
Shadow said Mother
Vern said My mom

4. Which Survivor season would you recommend to a new viewer?

Nav said Cagayan
Lamps said China
Mal said This is definitely something I would have an opinion on
KC said Cagayan
Jamie said china
Boc said Cagayan
Badger said Cagayan
Stargate said Cagayan
Shadow said Cagayan
Vern said China

TiB said 11

5. Name a celebrity you wish you were related to

Mal said Weird Al!
Shadow said Tina Fey
Vern said Jerry Seinfeld

lol idk
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Stargate that right there is the GAME WINNING vote bay bayyyyyyy
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