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the pets of your lifetime
Quizmaster Vern!
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Post #1: 26th May 2014 11:36 PM 
When I was 1 we owned an iguana that I do not remember.
When I was a little older we had a cat named Sherman who I do remember a little. I would chase her around the house and she really hated me.
In elementary school I had some fish. The only one I could remember was Speedy who was my favorite because he was really fast. He also probably hated me.
My sister Nenna got a tortouise named Anjelica. I would make mazes for her to walk through and she also hated me. We lost her once and found her in the laundry a day later. Then we got rid of her, another reason for her to hate me.
Flashforward and now I've got Sansa.... who generally, also hates me :)


the pets of your lifetime
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Post #2: 26th May 2014 11:37 PM 
My turtle, who all he wants is food
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Post #3: 26th May 2014 11:41 PM 
does he generally hate you?
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Post #4: 26th May 2014 11:42 PM 
na, he just wants food
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Post #5: 26th May 2014 11:42 PM 
he eats his own poop too
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Post #6: 26th May 2014 11:51 PM 
- Had a golden retriever named Amber from when I was about 3-9 years old
- Had a black lab/golden retriever mix named Josie (one of my previous dog's puppies) from when I was 7-19: Posted Image

Also had an emperor scorpion, two anoles, a gecko, a longtailed lizard, and three hermit crabs at various points but none of them lasted that long

Currently petless tho :( But I might be getting a new dog this summer
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Post #7: 26th May 2014 11:58 PM 
I have a pet Jeffrey named Nobert
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Post #8: 27th May 2014 12:04 AM 
Sea monkeys - pretty sure they died and got flushed
Tina the Lab - loved this dog. Kindergarden. We had to give her away cuz she threw up a lot. She escaped from the pound and found my mom. Or my mom found her while driving. It was so sad. I loved her.

Tadpole turned into a Frog - My brother brought it home and it turned into a frog. It escaped from the cage and we never saw it again. For all we know there is a dead frog in the walls of our house

Hermit Crabs - friend gave me after coloring their shells with colored sharpie. Forgot I had them and they toasted under a light. :(

Hamsters - Speedy and Luke. Speedy ate Luke. Died shortly after.

Shannon and KC - Stepmother's cats. Hated them. They both died. Shannon died first we really hated eachother. I don't remember KC's death much.

Murphy and Quincy - my first cats with my Dad/Step mother. Quincy was a kitten. Murphy was probably one of my closest cats ever. We french kissed. JK. But he'd ALWAYS lick my face and lips ( i kept my mouth closed looool ) when I put my face near him. I have a pic of me kissing him from when I was a little kid. He was young then and morphed into a big fat cat. omg I miss him as im typing this. Him and Quincy I never saw again after they went with my step mother when my dad divorced her

Whiffit/Boo - Two black female cats. Whiffit was a demon when u pulled her face back. She had a really fancy meow. I can vocaroo it to my best ability if this actually peaks your interest lbr. Boo was the worlds dirtiest cat. Dandruff galore. Boo left home and never found her way back (must have died old age) Whiffit got hit by a car :(

Stinky - Along with Murphy he is one of my best cats. He is still alive with ginger123vitis. He is literally like a DOG. He is the doggiest cat ive ever seen. Stinky Whiffit Ricky Ricky and Boo came when my step dad married my mom.

Which brings me to Ricky Ricky. He lives in the back of my house and we dont talk. Hate him. I threw water at him once cuz he was being a hissy bitch at me. I was young tho. But we never made up. oops

Little Miss and Pookie - Kittens turned cats that my family got at the end of high school. They had sex b4 we could stop them and ugh bam 4 kittens born.....
Eenie (Weenie) Meanie Miney Mo - Eenie (Eenie Weenie) the only girl was the tiniest cat ive ever had. She had a lot of medical issues and was very sick and she passed away in January and it was a very hard time for me.
Meanie's actual name is Little Ricky since he is orange and looks like Ricky Ricky. I rarely see him he is a very quiet cat and hides a lot. He doesn't like to be touched much imo. He cares about the other cats when they are sick its cute.
Miney was very affectionate. He has like pms tho since Eenie's passing and he is very grumpy. Mo suffered a stroke but seems to have bounced back. He doesn't seem very bright but he is very soft and sweet and likes to rub yo leg. Little miss is a calico and has nice fur. She weighs like 2 lbs and can stare into your soul. She literally is empty inside. Pookie is the father and he is somewhat of a fat cat. Behind Stinky he is the most affectionate of the alive cats in the family.

The story of my life!!!!

oh and I had two fish (won at a fair) that threw up worms. so had to get rid!!

Post Edited by Shadow @ 27th May 2014 12:09 AM
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Post #9: 27th May 2014 12:05 AM 
Bud, a black labador. He was awesome.

Butty(?) and Mitzi, two highland white terriers. Apparently I ran over one of them with my power wheels while laughing maniacally. I have no memory of this.

Chance, a... chow mix? I don't remember. He hated me.

Boomer, a "pure bred Rottweiler" that we got from a breeder. My parents got screwed on that one. Think he was a Doberman mix. Nasty son of a bitch. Also we had to get rid of all our other dogs for him cause he didn't get along with them. I didn't understand this logic.

Sheba, this fluffy gray cat and a calico whose name I don't remember. They were bought to be my cats. They weren't.

This white cat that was again bought to be my cat. I threw it in a pillow case and pretended to be a giant with a captive. I then threw the pillow case on the bed and forgot about it. I recall getting in trouble and never seeing the cat again, so I think I killed it.

Tess, a calico cat.

These two black cats whose names I don't remember. Think they were sisters.

My mom then started getting a ton of Siamese cats. Kato, Gloria, Pinky, and name I don't remember. I think they were all from the same litter and liked to inbreed a lot. The kittens that spawned were not well at all. We ended up getting rid of all of them.

Mikey, this black/white cat that got hit by a car soon after buying him and had to get his leg amputated cause of it. Tough son bitch.

Rusty, my mom's orange cat.

Elsa, finally the pure bred Rottweiler. We had her breed and sold her pups for a lot of money.

Luka, Rottie we kept from one of Elsa's litters.

Had a bunch of parakeets who all got eaten by the cats.

Ziggy and Peep, two cockatiels. I killed Ziggy with a gator golf club by accident and put him in my toy ambulance thinking it would magically heal him. Also they had a baby Buzz who is still alive, he's gotta be nearly 20 by now.

A bunch of rabbits who all didn't last very long.

Hobo, this huge-ass stray cat who we fed and took in.

Scooter, a Shiba Inu mix. Still alive back east. He was a little asshole but I miss him. People that use to Skype with me years ago will probably remember him.

Marcus, a tabby cat who was a kitten from a stray we took in. We got the stray a home, but kept him. He's still alive back east, miss that guy though. I would have brought him if I knew I was moving here.

Dinky and Babycat, my dad's cats who have made appearances on FE before.
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Quizmaster Vern!
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Post #10: 27th May 2014 12:09 AM 
Shadow and KC that is an essay of animals you've got there..
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Post #11: 27th May 2014 12:09 AM 
btw I stumbled across this video while I was looking for a picture (: I have no idea why I have this

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Post #12: 27th May 2014 12:11 AM 
Copper (Cocapoo) - He was a dog that my family got a few months before lil dilly popped out. Eventually got blind/deaf/unable to control bowels

Buddie - An annoying ass budgy that always landed and pooped on my head. When we moved we gave him away.

Archie (Cocapoo) - He replaced Copper. He is grumpy and kind of small and fat.

Iggy (Golden Doodle) - He was got to be a friend for Archie. Archie hates him. He is still p. young and likes to tear things apart.
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Post #13: 27th May 2014 12:17 AM 
I haven't had a pet in years :( I really want to get another soon, but we keep thinking we're about to redo the kitchen, so trying to keep a pet while remodelling is a bad idea. The kitchen is never getting redone though. It's going to be a smoke tar covered half broken mess until the house falls down.

I've had 4 parakeets over the years and two turtles and a few hampsters that didn't live past a week. I attempted to have fish once but one of my fish was a serial killer and outlived them all until the day my cousin thought it looked lonely and gave it a hug.

The parakeets were Whitey, Whitey Junior, Lucky and Riku. I had them one at a time and they alternated between fantastic and terrible. Whitey and Lucky were great birds, very smart and friendly. I taught them tricks and they were great. My mom stepped on Whitey and gave it brain damage or something. Lucky died of old age.

Whitey Junior was a menace and the most evil bird I've ever met. He would constantly break the skin of anyone who dared near him. He decided to eat a cactus and die after 6 months. Riku was either blind or retarded, or both. His few attempts to fly just crashed him into every wall he could, then got him tangled in a blind. After that he decided to sit on the same spot on the same perch and poop towers. We tried to return him to the pet store as something was very clearly wrong but a week after we bought him they moved out of town entirely.

The first turtle Rhonda saved my life accidentally, leading to her becoming my pet. I repaid the favor by letting my grandma watch her for a week, during which time the turtle died, probably because she get left in a plastic box in the cold basement with no food in the middle of winter. My grandma claimed she was just hibernating, so she put the clearly decaying turtle-corpse in front of the heater for a day to warm it up so it would stop hibernating.

The second turtle was smart enough to run away within 3 days.

I probably should not have pets.
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Quizmaster Vern!
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Post #14: 27th May 2014 12:22 AM 
LOL Boc wtf!!!

I don't even remember that. But it must be so old cuz I haven't seen that shirt in years, let alone the hair. Crazy.
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Post #15: 27th May 2014 12:24 AM 
how did rhonda save ur life Rose
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