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Survivor vs. Big Brother
 Poll Question: Survivor or Big Brother
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Big Brother
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Post #1: 17th Aug 2013 9:03 PM 
Raptor's post about Hayden in the BB thread made me think of this. For those of you who watch both...

What show would you guys rather be on, Survivor or Big Brother?

I've actually thought about this before. Big Brother's got the comfortable living and all, but Survivor's much more thrilling to me. I'm sure a good amount would depend on which one you think you could win. Which do you think you'd be better at IRL?

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Post #2: 17th Aug 2013 9:07 PM 
I'd rather be on Survivor and like Survivor 100 times more than Big Brother but I would be a lot better at Big Brother.

I am not very intimidating which is good on Big Brother and would be a liability to be first out in Survivor. Plus I think I'd do better at Big Brother competitions.

But if I had the choice I'd pick Survivor easily.
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Post #3: 17th Aug 2013 9:07 PM 
Survivor I just plain wouldn't do good at. I'm not overly athletic, so I could be a challenge hindrance. I go against the grain, so I'll probably be in the minority vs. a big alliance. Extremely picky eater so I wouldn't do good with nutrition.

BB suits me more for how I'd play and, in general, being more comfortable. Only knock on it is lack of privacy and crazy cat ladies who will try to get me fired for targeting their favorite player.
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Post #4: 17th Aug 2013 11:28 PM 
I think I'd do better on Survivor. I don't have much in the way of actual survival experience, but I've got a crapton of experience working in gruelling outdoor environments, so I think I'd have a decent shot of doing well in that aspect, and I'm a sneaky bastard.

What would inevitably be my undoing, though, would be stupid people. When you get idiots like Upolu or Ometepe, it doesn't matter what the hell you do or how rational your case is, stupid people will ignore your logic and rationality. When that kind of crap happens, I tend to be rather unkind. So I think that that kind of thing would eventually get me booted, but it totally depends what sort of tribe I get put on.
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Post #5: 18th Aug 2013 3:11 AM 
I would be SO much better at Big Brother. I nice mix of physical/mental competitions where usually Survivor is primarily physical, and Big Brother has so many opportunities for you to get back into the game when your neck is on the chopping block. My personality is much better suited for BB than Survivor, and other than the Have Not room I think the BB house would be great to live in. I would easily be an early pre-juror on Survivor but I think I could make it far on Big Brother and in the end have a much more enjoyable experience.
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Post #6: 18th Aug 2013 6:24 AM 
I apply to both regularly. It doesn't matter what I want to be on, as I'll happily play either.
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Post #7: 18th Aug 2013 6:33 AM 
Neither, I hate the sun and I hate being in stuck in a house with irritating people.
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Post #8: 18th Aug 2013 6:48 AM 
I think I'd definitely rather play Survivor. I'm a great swimmer and have been playing sports my whole life, so I think I would do pretty well at the challenges. Plus, I understand Survivor more than Big Brother.

And in real Survivor, people can't copy and paste conversations you've had so its harder to get people against you (:
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Post #9: 19th Aug 2013 11:27 PM 
I'd probably last two days in survivor before I quit. With Big Brother I could make it through the first week or so.
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Post #10: 19th Aug 2013 11:29 PM 
Survivor fo sho
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Post #11: 19th Aug 2013 11:29 PM 
As a concept I think Survivor is much more compelling, I just couldn't handle some of the shit they have to do on that show. I think the lack of privacy and my own space would annoy me on both counts though. I just couldn't immerse myself into an environment where I was being watched and forced to live alongside complete strangers. I can't think of many things I'd less rather do.
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Post #12: 19th Aug 2013 11:42 PM 
Big Brother. Don't have to worry about the outside elements fucking me over some how.

ALSO. I feel like more people are likely to get lost in the edit in Survivor. With BB you have 3 hours a week, plus the live feeds.

Everyone would want to watch me. I am the reigning TIB BB Champ.
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Post #13: 19th Aug 2013 11:53 PM 
I'd love the challenge of survivor for the physical mentality of it. The whole idea of trying to survive physically and mentally game-wise seems more daunting than it looks. Big Brother is basically individual challenge in comfort. With that, I'd choose survivor for the adventure.
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Post #14: 20th Aug 2013 1:58 AM 
Let's see, electric, a/c, showers (even cold if have not), shampoo/conditioner/flat and curling iron, food I don't have to catch, nice clothes and shoes, a roof...gotta go with BB, I think I would do ok with Survivor and the challenges, but I am way more high maintenance than I sometimes want to admit. I tent camped.....once.
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Post #15: 20th Aug 2013 4:08 AM 
I really can't say which I'd do better at, and tbh I probably wouldn't win either. I love Survivor, and I'd probably give myself better odds there, but I picked BB. I just like how it's an individual game, whereas one alliance can really run through an entire season of survivor without ever being challenged. That ~normally~ doesn't happen in BB (sorry S12)
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