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Racism is okay as long as I do it.
Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #1: 24th Aug 2015 3:46:08 PM 
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Well well. Congratulations to the three of you. This game is FINALLY ending something I never thought would happen. I was so shocked that I made it as far as I did in this game, especially with there being so many all-stars and me with my seemingly bad attitude. So here are some statements and questions for all of you :D


Erik, I do not like people who can't own their moves and act confused at strategy like you did. First of all, I read you think that the mariachi band was a mistake, I don't think so, it got us pinata's and other people were thinking of doing the exact same thing so why apologize for making a decision in a game? Anyways, unfortunately you were seen as very emotional and couldn't be trusted. I just tried to tell you what you wanted to hear all game, to me, me saving you wasn't to SAVE you it was to get rid of another person, you just happened to be in that lucky position all the time lol.

You are going to have a really hard time to even get 1 vote I am sorry to say, but I'm just a realist. You not voting at a final 5, even if it was going to be a vote for me literally killed any chance you had, that is something that is unforgivable. You say you were "walking the streets of chicago in flip flops and can't focus."

I work AND go to school AND hang out with friends and I was still able to vote on time, compete in challenges, and be a force to be reckoned with in this game, so stop with the fucking excuses, if you just sucked at the game then admit it. It will get you more kudos to admit you were wrong then to make these asinine excuses. I don't really have any questions specifically about your game because I don't think there is much there that I don't know.

Amanda K.

My other Amanda in this game! I can't believe people with the same name got this far in the game, and it was so annoying haha. I really did enjoy chatting with you in the group chat and making fun of heather and her sad uses of ellipses and being a Emo in this game. My only hitch about you is that you were protected a lot in this game. I tried to get you out several times but your "friends" always said "naw she is coming back soon i like her lets keep her" which drove me insane, I think even if we lost challenges I would have been gone over you and you would still be in the game because they were THAT devoted to you, must have been nice.

I feel like you were carried by your friends in the beginning, carried by Kim in the merge, and finally carried by Jerri to the FTC. We didn't really talk that much early in the game, or even at merge until Kim made the group chat. I was told everything you were thinking and doing by Kim and we never really connected all that much. I finally had to get you into a chatroom and slap you around for being so emotional and practically having a E-Heartattack that Eric was being dpov'd onto the block. I honestly do think that this whole situation made you go crazy and decide to turn on us. I definitely think you handled yourself well when I was calling you out, you kept your cool and that is something that can be appreciated since I try and poke and prod to get a rise out of people and at least in public you kept your cool (what is said to other people in private is probably another matter :x)

I think you are insecure in your game and you flipping made that apparent. So lets get into those insecurities..

1. What did you think about your game prior to flipping on Kim?

2. If Kim wasn't in the game would you have been mostly solely loyal to Eric?

3. Do you credit yourself with Jerri bringing you to the end? Did you manipulate her to bring you?


Congratulations on making a clean sweep with those immunity challenges! You and I got along, but I never fully trusted you because of the things Sierra was telling me in the tribe you were in with Evel, I was wary to trust you because apparently you were making up a bunch of lies. I never knew what was really true in what you were saying. I tried to warn you several times in this game to NOT take Kmanda, heck I warned everyone publicly and yet you gave her immunity, and dragged her into the FTC regardless of my warnings. I think it is gonna really hurt you in the end unfortunately :( you stole the satisfaction of being able to ridicule heather and bash her in this FTC and some people won't forgive that. I see you being on a very fine line between winning and losing this game. You need to STEP up your jury answers and make sure people know that Amanda K's game was way worse than yours, just being real with you. This kinda reminds me of Woo taking Tony, yeah it was "admirable" but in the end people think he was an idiot, which is going to be seen as the case here :( we have been playing this game a LONG time and to take someone because its "honorable" is horse shit, what is so honorable about taking a person who flipped on her alliance and became a gamebot? She isn't Jesus, lolz, I will never get it I guess...


1. Why does Amanda K. suck at this game and not deserve a single vote in the end?

2. What is a question you desperately WANT to be asked about? and can you answer it? Be englightening.

3. If you hadn't won all these immunities how different would your game plan have been?

Final questions for ALL

1. Compare each juror to a hero or villain from the Marvel universe and explain why.

2. How amazing was the story of Abi's Red quinceañera?

Good luck to all of you, its obviously coming down to two of you. It will be a hard battle, don't pull any punches ladies it will do you more harm than good. People are wavering constantly on who to vote for, don't say the wrong thing and fuck yourself up after a long and grueling game.

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Hang onto your seatbelt's its going to be a bumpy ride.

Post Edited by Amanda Zuckerman @ 24th Aug 2015 3:52:26 PM
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Well Behaved Women Seldom Make History.
Erik Reichenbach
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Post #2: 24th Aug 2015 4:11:06 PM 
In response to what you said, I'm well aware that my vote receiving will be minimal to none. I want to say that just for the hour for the Kim vote, I was very distracted. It's like if a friend shows up at work and wants to talk to you while you're checking out a customer. Some people can handle both at once, but I unfortunately couldn't, and I came off looking like an idiot. I'm not going to sit here and say that I would have handled that round perfectly had I been at home, but I certainly would have handled it MUCH better than I did. The self vote was completely my fault and a huge fuck up on me. It had somehow blanked my mind to vote and when I rembered, the results were already up. That was my own fault, completely. I'll admit that a good portion of my merge game (mainly the middle-late merge) was pretty fucking bad, but everything before then I thought was pretty good. Maybe I'm not the best player at this final tribal, that's fine, I know I'm not, but I will stand firmly when you say I suck at the game. I had to be doing SOMETHING right to get here, especially having my name written down so many times and being an easy target that people could probably get behind.
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Post #3: 24th Aug 2015 4:46:06 PM 

Congratulations on making a clean sweep with those immunity challenges! You and I got along, but I never fully trusted you because of the things Sierra was telling me in the tribe you were in with Evel, I was wary to trust you because apparently you were making up a bunch of lies. I never knew what was really true in what you were saying. I tried to warn you several times in this game to NOT take Kmanda, heck I warned everyone publicly and yet you gave her immunity, and dragged her into the FTC regardless of my warnings. I think it is gonna really hurt you in the end unfortunately Sad you stole the satisfaction of being able to ridicule heather and bash her in this FTC and some people won't forgive that. I see you being on a very fine line between winning and losing this game. You need to STEP up your jury answers and make sure people know that Amanda K's game was way worse than yours, just being real with you. This kinda reminds me of Woo taking Tony, yeah it was "admirable" but in the end people think he was an idiot, which is going to be seen as the case here Sad we have been playing this game a LONG time and to take someone because its "honorable" is horse shit, what is so honorable about taking a person who flipped on her alliance and became a gamebot? She isn't Jesus, lolz, I will never get it I guess...

I understand the frustration with my bringing her, I brought this up with Kim and Michelle already and I feel I explained as well I could there in those questions. I don't vote someone out when I give them my word (Ronnie included in this). Kamanda is not an HONORABLE player, but sticking to my word and bringing her is what's honorable. Now I feel a lot of people saw Kamanda as this big unbeatable threat, but she is more a threat because of all her friends and connections, not so much her gameplay:

Now you finally asked the question I was dying to be asked!

1. Why does Amanda K. suck at this game and not deserve a single vote in the end?

Reason 1: Kamanda is here because of ME, NOT the other way around

There was never any point in the game where my life was dependent on Kamanda, but I had 3 votes after Kim left where I could have very easily got rid of her, but I chose not to. Kamanda was at my mercy because I was always immune and always in power. I dictated the votes from the F7 on, and I chose to honor my Final 2 and bring her to the end.

Reason 2. I stuck to my word and kept friendship above the game

The jury so far keeps citing my decision to bring Kamanda as a weakness. You guys complain she doesn't deserve it because she used friendships to preserve herself, and then she backstabbed those friends when she didn't need them anymore. Well the irony here is if I decided to back out of the Final 2 I made to her, I wouldnt be any better than her. I stuck to all my promises, even to Ronnie (check Michelle's question) and I only broke deals if someone else broke them on me first, giving me the justification. I was not able to help Ronnie leaving, but Kamanda had total control over her decision to knife the friends who kept her alive during an extended vacation.

3. I dominated HARDER in challenges than her

Kamanda was noted as a challenge beast, and I have consistently beat her in almost every challenge except the Fanfic. I went against the best and I beat the best, and I intend on doing exactly that again in this FTC!

4. I did not rely on outside connections to survive.

I know some of you are sick of hearing about this, but it's card I have and I'm gonna play it. I had no strong connections entering this game, Julie was my closest and she betrayed me in Season 3. I barely spoke to Ronnie in season 3. I entered the game near the end of casting and had little time to socialize before the start.

Kamanda had a plethora of allies before the game even began. There was trust already established that did not need to built from nothing, so much so that these people kept Kamanda alive for TWO WEEKS of near inactivity...just think about that...TWO WEEKS. How many of us could honestly be MIA for 2 FULL WEEKS and have a group of people who like us enough to keep you around for THAT long?

People try to discount this all they want but it is a fact that Kamanda had a SIGNIFICANT ADVANATGE going into this game than I did, or Erik did, or Heather did for that matter. Granted this is All-Stars (sort of) and it's fair game, but I had no one and couldn't take advantage of that since I left so early in Season 3. Every relationship I had in the game had to be built up completely from scratch, so Kamanda had a pretty big head start from the get go. If I had a 2 week vacation there is no way I could have survived.

5. I played harder and made more moves than Kamanda

You guys have to admit I played this game hard. Kamanda had no real strategy to make on Fuerza (Morgan, Ryan and Elizabeth were all easy votes) her Vacation was not long after and she came back right before the merge.

The entire pre-game portion of the game for me was desperate struggle to find allies and survive, and it was amidst with betrayals (Notably Evel Dick) being stuck on the bottom, and losing close allies like Julie and Shontayla. My Pre-merge game was brutal and not a "Vacation". I did not coast to the merge, but I fought my way here tooth and nail.

At the merge, every single round I tried to make things happen. I succeeded in removing members of Kim's alliance, and I made efforts every round to make bigger moves. Like I said to Michelle, Once Final 7 hit, I completely took the game by storm. I was fighting the ENTIRE game, from start to finish, and I am continuing to fight right here and right now. Not that Kamanda did not play hard as well, but I played harder.

2. What is a question you desperately WANT to be asked about? and can you answer it? Be englightening.

I wanted to be asked more about my pre-merge game, particularly what happened the 2 rounds were Kelly and Dick left. I feel like those rounds were game defining for me, because so much happened:

I deliberately gave Dick HoH by passing him by 8, and I asked Shontayla to bust heather's blackjack (we knew cause Heather foolishly volunteered this information). Sierra had gone to Kelly about nominating and evicting Dick, and with him being my only F2 partner at the time, it made a lot of sense to pull him in with Kelly and Shontayla.

But Sierra conned Dick well, and managed to convince him in a few minutes that I was the one who was playing so, after he nominated Sierra and Michelle he proceeded to lie to and avoid me, and nominated Kelly, who was evicted.

So I sent the following PM:

"Dick, I don't know what I did. You are my main ally in the game, my only F2, I had your back on the Julie vote, I gave you HoH. I haven't lied to you about anything. I put 2 and 2 together after the Black Jack HoH thing, I tried to get us to work together with Shontayla and Kelly because of it. You never told me we should do anything different, and you nominated Sierra/Michelle.

I'm really confused....what did I do? Cause I am honestly just floored. Did I say something to someone? Did someone tell you a lie about me? Is it because Julie "thought" I told her you were voting her?

I'm just...completely baffled and stumped. I mean I basically feel like just going inactive and leaving right now, I don't see a point in even doing this Immunity I could go a bazillion hours and win it but if you suddenly want me gone I have absolutely no one left in the game really, I'll just be voted out next. Not like the other tribe are full of Jerri/Dick supporters.

I haven't the slightest clue of why you are doing this, but I voted Kelly out, and I've decided I want to work Sierra-Heather-Michelle-Sundra team. The Jarana thing is a sinking ship now. It seems you told some people things I said to you in confidence so I dunno if they will ever trust me, so i'm not sure if I should even bother.

I'm just completely heartbroken and destroyed right now to be completely honest with you. If you still want me around and you think there is a chance and I can go with the Sierra side there then great.

If you don't respond to the PM...I'll get the message and I'll just leave peacefully. I don't feel like struggling to desperately survive in a game where everyone in the game wants me out.

I swear I won't run around trying to throw you under the bus, I just wanna know what it is that I did......

Thanks... and tbh Shontayla didn't want to work with you anyway but I convinced her it was her only chance and she needed you against heather. According to Kelly, Sierra didn't either (if thats what this is about...that's what KELLY told me, if it wasn't true and Sierra was on your side, I honestly didn't know).

Tearing up right now and rambling on, I might as well end this. Good luck in the game, it's been eating up too much of my summer anyway and I made it further than last season so yay."

I was completely stunned, and Dick's explanation wasn't that great either, he just fell for what Sierra told him. It was my word vs hers, and he believed her, and it hurt tremendously. Even more so the fact that I was right and when myself and Shontayla were immune, he went home with little to contest.

This round, my getting Ronnie to give me immunity and the roller coaster of betrayals and new alliances made here made it the toughest few days of the game for me emotionally. It affected psyche without a doubt when you went to Kim without telling me and formed your own separate alliance. I don't make Final 2 alliances lightly, and this is also part of why I stuck to the one I gave to Kamanda. I stick to my words and I stand by my allies.

If you see that as a weakness, then by all means guys vote Kamanda! She'd also be a fantastic winner. But I came here in this game with something to prove, and beating Heather/Erik in Final 3 would not prove it.

3. If you hadn't won all these immunities how different would your game plan have been?

At the Final 6 I would have pushed for Jeremiah to still leave, it would have been harder to pull off. Had Jeremiah won immunity cause he was right behind me than Zamanda would have left

Final 5 I suspect Jeremiah and Erik would have targeted me, so I was planning on making a deal with Kamanda to vote Jeremiah or Erik if that happened. Cause Heather was close to Jeremiah (even though Jeremiah didn't like her) I would have gone for Erik, especially since Heather voted him before.

If I make Final 4 I would have continued working with Heather to try to get Kamanda or Jeremiah to vote for one another. Chances are Kamanda leaves and Jeremiah Heather and I are in the finals, or I force a tie and Kamanda beats Jeremiah in a tiebreaker.

I will do your other questions in a new post.

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Post #4: 24th Aug 2015 5:14:12 PM 
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Scarlet Witch- Her power is all about probability, randomness and chaos. Shontayla would love to make up lies and create drama purely for the sake of doing so

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Captain America- Noble, good and heroic

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I'm not sure if Captain Salvation is Marvel but...LOL, Jesus FTW!

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DeadPool- he's the funny, witty, 4th wall breaking superhero whose never boring and just loves to have fun

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Psylocke- I have jokinglu said that Sierra is like a Mind-Ninja, she sneaks into your brain and a few minutes takes control of it with her mental katana. Psylocke is a psychic ninja. Quiet, in the shadows, but extremely deadly

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Lex Luthor- I kind of picture Eric as a maniachal villain plotting evil plans on a throne somewhere.

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Superman- Kim was just this, indestructible and astronomically powerful. I like to believe I was her krytonite.

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Phoenix- Jean Grey would seem like an odd choice for Jeremiah, but it's really more about transformation. Jean Grey prior to dying and becoming Phoenix was actually a relatively weak X-man. After her rebirth as Phoenix, she became the most powerful one. This really mirrors Jeremiah's journey in the game from before Final 7 to after the Final 7

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Wolverine- People love wolverine, he's a badass, he has no filter, he isn't politcally correct and simply says exactly what he feels. Hence Zamanda.

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Jubilee- The annoying, funny and oddly charming newbie member of the X-men, who tries hard but tends to be neglected by the experienced X-men as being a child.

2. How amazing was the story of Abi's Red quinceañera?

Incredible, I was glad to have at least contributed the name for it. The other team's was no offense..pretty boring! Now I find it fucking hilariously now that you made myself and Kamanda conjoined twins ( I just remembered this now). So the story wad oddly foreshadowing the ending of the game. I showed my Mom the idea of Abi bathing in the blood of teenagers in order to remain 15 years old herself and she burst out laughing. It was sick, disgusting yet comedic in a very dark, bizarre way. I find it hard to imagine a birthday party being more creative than that story was

Amanda Zuckerman
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Post #5: 24th Aug 2015 5:19:08 PM 
Superman and Lex Luthor are D.C.

My decision is starting to swing now :o
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Post #6: 24th Aug 2015 5:28:28 PM 
Amanda Zuckerman @ 24/8/2015 16:19
Superman and Lex Luthor are D.C.

My decision is starting to swing now :o

My apologies, I'm not a huge comic book person,

I'm gonna go with Kingpin for Eric for similar reason to Lex Luthor.

for Kim, I'll go with Iron Man, who like Superman has a crippling weakness, he needs a powersource to charge his heart to keep going. Kamanda broke his heart.
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Post #7: 24th Aug 2015 8:37:35 PM 
what a fucking clincher
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Erik Reichenbach
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Post #8: 24th Aug 2015 9:58:27 PM 
1. Compare each juror to a hero or villain from the Marvel universe and explain why.

Okay, like Jerri, I'm not a huge comic book fan. I don't really like comic book movies either (except for Deadpool, GETHYPE), but I'll take a stab at it.

Shontayla- That one fucker in the first Iron Man movie that was Tony's superbro, and then he was making his own suit behind the scenes and they eventually beat the fuck out of each other after Salt and Pepper in Potts goes and finds that flash drive or whatever. That's my perspective on her. I honestly didn't know how bitchy she actually must have been until you guys started saying that. Like, I had talked with her a decent amount and she was all nice to me. Then out of nowhere all this shit comes out in the open. Like wtf.

Ronnie- Hmm... Can't say I really got to know you too well this game. But I'll call you Captain America! Dude is the patriot and from my previous knowledge of you, you're loyal to a fault, smart, and determined.

Michelle- Terrance Howard/Don Cheadle in the Iron Man series. Dude had to put up with all of Tony's alcoholism and all of his shit, and barely gets any recognition IIRC. Idk, fuck superhero movies.

Yul- Rocket. Has a good sense of humor, goes back and forth between doing honorable things and not so honorable things, plus he can be pretty selfish.

Sierra- She is Groot. A detrimental part to the guardians who doesn't say much, is friends with everyone, and kinda saves everyone's life at least once.

Eric- Robert Redford in The Winter Soldier. Dude was the villain and had a plan, wasn't a good guy, and almost got away with it every time it looked like he was caught.

Kim- Nick Fury, hands down. The person that unites the entire team, directs them, etc. Plus the dude got killed and came back at the end of the film.

Jeremiah- Hally eats Berris from X men, Sue Storm. Someone who you think is just kind of there in the background, then you realize that SHE CAN CREATE FUCKING TORNADOES WITH HER MIND. Awesome and pretty damn powerful and often neglected.

Zmanda- Loki. A villain who legitimately had depth to him, and if you took him at fave value, you would mistake him for Benedict Cumberbatch wearing gold-plated goat horns, which is obnoxious. But a person who you can study in depth and has a lot more to them than face value.

Heather- Quicksilver in Days of Future Past. A lot of comic book fans were skeptical about him going into that movie (IIRC they wrote that character in specifically for the movie), but he ended up not disappointing anyone and exceeding the expectations that he had by far.

I hope these answer your question well enough.

2. How amazing was the story of Abi's Red quinceañera?

You guys could have easily made a reference to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia when Mike grabbed magnum condoms, but you didn't. 1/10.
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Post #9: 24th Aug 2015 10:08:48 PM 
Erik Reichenbach @ 24/8/2015 18:58
Yul- Rocket. Has a good sense of humor, goes back and forth between doing honorable things and not so honorable things, plus he can be pretty selfish.
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Mike Dutz
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Post #10: 25th Aug 2015 9:56:41 AM 

Jeremiah- Hally eats Berris from X men, Sue Storm.
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Jeremiah Wood
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Post #11: 25th Aug 2015 1:05:09 PM 
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Erik Reichenbach
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Post #12: 25th Aug 2015 9:44:07 PM 
The hot one
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Post #13: 25th Aug 2015 10:36:02 PM 
Oh so I'm Human Torch

got it
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Amanda Kimmel
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Post #14: 27th Aug 2015 1:19:59 AM 
Oh I was totally insecure about my game, no doubt there. I'm more than happy to get into those details with you. Honestly I can't even really go back at you and say that everything you said about me being carried is wrong. I know I was greatly helped by a lot of people to get to this point, but does that alone make me a goat or undeserving to win? It's not like the literal entirety of my game relied on other people. Again I can certainly admit to when it was, but whenever I felt like I could control my own fate I 100% tried to take that chance. That'll be addressed more in the individual questions though I think. I can certainly vouch for the fact that Eric getting DPoV'd was a pretty big reason why I turned on you. However it wasn't for that action alone, the true turning point was when I was essentially threatened to agree to an F3 with you and Kim otherwise I'd be eliminated. That put me off so much and is pretty much the reason why I vote out both you and Kim. 

As far as staying in the game it definitely was in large part to friendships, but as I've mentioned, there weren't really THAT many situations where I needed the saving. Because I was on the winning tribe in a lot of challenges, I was never really at risk to even be eliminated. Definitely a lucky break. Had we lost I'm not quite as sure as you are about me staying in over you, but it certainly was a possibility. A lot of times people are protected in games by other allies. Now I do know this is an extreme circumstance because I was very good friends with a lot of the people prior to the game even starting, but in the end it was still an alliance protecting an alliance member. I HAD planned on staying loyal to everyone who helped me out, and it wasn't until much later when I started to change my mind about that because of the events that were going down. 

To be PERFECTLY honest with you, one of the reasons why I didn't talk to you that much directly was because I felt like I almost was already through proxy because of Kim. Not even just strategically, even the most random consersations. I know this isn't an excuse and it shouldn't be, but that is honestly why we never talked much one on one and we never quite clicked. 

But anyway now to your actual questions.

1. I think prior to voting out Kim my game was pretty bad. Super early premerge I was very much around and a player. I was involved with a bunch of stuff like the formation of an idol and winning rewards and challenges such as the ambassadors one. I ended up picking the pretty much perfect tribe for my goal which was to eventually take out people working against the people I was working with, such as Erik, Yul, and Jeremiah. When I left was of course when my game started to be bad, because I wasn't really able to participate. Looking back on it I'm not sure how MUCH more I would have been able to participate anyway, except for doing more and participating in challenges. My biggest issue honestly was just not being able to talk to people. Luckily I had the friends that I had who ended up helping me significantly in the merge. When there, Kim was the one with the connections with you and Sierra and because of that I was able to hop off the sinking ship that was the Twisted alliance. Then my game essentially consisted of voting out people where it COULD have been way worse, but still wasn't an ideal situation. My plan when I got back essentially became "don't be anyone's first target." I was essentially forced into an UTR role and I had to embrace it. In our alliance chat there wasn't much I could do individually because well, it was an alliance. We had all agreed to try and vote out Hearher, and I think my first real "move" of the merge (if you can even call it that really) was not telling Mike or Eric that Mike was getting enough votes to be eliminated and that he should idol. Had I told them I suppose I could have taken credit for something, but I felt like it was so super unnecessary and stupid to do, especially after Mike had begun sketching me out. The thing I am proudest of for everything before voting out Kim was being able to try being the one to organize Sierra being voted off. Kim wanted to include you in the plan so she of course ended up telling you. 

TL;DR. Not proud of the majority of my pre voting Kim game but there also wasn't an absolute ton I was able to do in pre-merge, and I didn't really require saving at any point, even though there was a good chance it could have happened. 

2. Definitely not. Staying true only to Eric would have been pretty stupid game wise because it would limit my options so much, and he was seen as such a big threat. I think i addressed this a bit in Kim's question when talking about what I would have done had she not come back from Los Muertos. Basically I would have tried harder making the new bridges and bonds myself. I was essentially spoiled by Kim and the foundations were there by the time I got back. 

3. Did I manipulate Jerri with mind control to take me to the end? No obviously not. However I do think I am responsible for being her because of the effect I had on Jerri. Considering she risked throwing her game away to keep me, as you said yourself "not Jesuz lol," I think that does speak for how I rubbed off on her and how she grew to like me. I remember being so incredibly shocked at how much me writing my fan fiction ended up affecting Jerri and getting her to want to align with me. Yes, Jerri is the one who voted to keep me in and get me here to the finals. Also like you said, Woo was the reason why Tony was in the finals. Colby was the reason why Tina made it to the finals. I'm not comparing myself to either of those 2 winners, but just because they were chosen to go to the end by the person who had immunity didn't take away from their game at all. I do think I played a pretty good overall game despite my insecurities. I underestimate myself a lot so I try to chalk me being insecure to that and I basically pretend everything is fine and try my best anyway. Again, I don't know when to stop. Jerri definitely also played a good game, but let's not forget who was the one who finally enabled her to achieve the goal she had for about half the merge. 
So while I do think Jerri played a good game, a lot of what happened in the merge simply would not have happened had it not been for my own moves. Voting out Sierra was the first step in a long line of vote offs that got us to this point. By NO means am I saying I am solely responsible for this merge has gone, that is stupid and wrong. I'm just saying that I'm not about to let what I've done go to be forgotten because Jerri made a big move at the end of the game with a an idol and won out on immunities when she otherwise would have been eliminated. 

I'll finish you general questions by tomorrow at the latest most likely. Feeling tired and I have some marvel research to do.
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Post #15: 27th Aug 2015 10:29:22 AM 
Jerri @ 24/8/2015 17:28
Amanda Zuckerman @ 24/8/2015 16:19
Superman and Lex Luthor are D.C.

My decision is starting to swing now :o

for Kim, I'll go with Iron Man, who like Superman has a crippling weakness, he needs a powersource to charge his heart to keep going. Kamanda broke his heart.

And once again, oooouuuccchhh :(
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