I kinda liked you for the 5 mins we spoke. | I went a little cuckoo. Tried to target Mira (her idol) and Newt. Got petrified by Mira. The vote was split 2-2 on Amos and I. Amos played the Ravenclaw Idol. Lockhart had the Hufflepuff idol because I found it and passed it to him before getting Petrified (The Hufflepuff idol had a condition that it had to be passed before being playable) Lockhart filled me in that the votes were going to be split 2-2 on Amos and I. Amos voted Mira after playing the idol. Lockhart voted Mira as well. We decided to play the Idol Negator on Mira instead of the Hufflepuff idol on me. It tied 2-2. On the revote we were expecting Ron to vote out Mira to flush another idol out of the game. But since he hated Lockhart for lying to him twice and didn't trust me (not sure why) he voted me out with Draco and Newt (who were both aligned with Mira). |