Again, pretty, at some point.
Let's just say the people I felt closest too left me out of the vote last round. Ron, Pomfrey, Fred... they all decided I wasn't trustworthy enough to be in on the blindside of Angelina through the use of Mira's idol. Fine. I have been distant lately, they probably had good reason to think I was working with Amos, Angelina, and Lily. Especially since Angelina confessed to me that people had begun to wonder where I've been because I've felt disconnected and off since Ron took out Lockhart and, again, didn't think to tell me until the last minute that there was a plan to take him out, because he couldn't trust me. In Ron's defense, I didn't tell him about the seven-person group until after Angelina was voted out and it was pretty clear Pomp and Fred were feeding him enough info to get by, so I get it. I haven't been the most reliable ally. Then I went ahead and voted for Draco because Angelina wanted to split the vote between Mira and Draco in case she used the Slytherin idol. I didn't especially like the idea, but since no one else was talking to me I decided to do it. I probably would have been more crushed if Draco had left than Angelina being blindsided because I never intended to see him leave, I need him in the end.
So here's a plan: I told Pomfrey and Ron about Lily's invisibility cloak knowing full well she was going to use it eventually and we had the means to stop her from doing so. Predictably, word got to Fred and he petrified her. Leaving her completely defenseless and if the name traveling around isn't a decoy, she'll be leaving tonight. This is for you, Rita and Minerva. It is also for me because after this I see a wide opening for Pomfrey, Fred, Ron, Draco and I to make the final five pretty much unscathed, which is what I wanted from the beginning of the merge. I'm going to tell Draco the truth. I'm going to tell him I voted for him. I'm also going to tell him he can't win the game against anyone but me. There's going to be a final three, but I think I could beat Ron in the finals, I just need Draco there as well. So I'm going to bring the three of us together and take out Fred and Pomfrey. Whether that's before Amos or not is completely up in the air and depends on who wins immunity.
I threw Wizards Chess last night. I had no intention of winning something so strategic. I don't want anyone to notice me when I strike. If I strike. Heh. You might be wondering why I'm not choosing to go with Mira, Amos, Lily? Because they're fractured and they probably always will be. It's much easier to join a group that is already together, and then take them down from the inside than to try penetrating them from the outside. And I suck just enough right now they won't see me coming unless they boot me now. |