Thank you so much for all the effort you put into this series!
This is such an awesome theme for an ORG and you've more than done it justice by bringing the setting to life with a lot of care going into designing challenges and twists to fit the theme. As a big Harry Potter fan, I was very enthusiastic to play, and I really appreciate the flexibility you gave me to pick an unusual avatar and provide me with the opportunity to flesh out an obscure character. It almost feels like I've been able to add to my own interpretation of the Harry Potter lore and hopefully I've added a new character to the Harry Potter universe that a lot of the people involved here have experienced. If Mirabella shows up in The Crimes of Grindlewald, I will be proud to have hopefully done her justice first.
I have no doubt that I can sometimes be a bit of a chore to deal with as a host and I've asked a lot of you this season. But I want you to know that despite my occasional chiding, I really truly appreciate all the time and creative energy you have put into here, as well as your tireless patience with me. You've made a really unique and ambitious series that a lot of people from this cast are going to treasure as a genuinely positive ORG experience, and you should be proud of that. This series has been like no other I have participated in and it's because of the care and love for the Harry Potter series that you clearly invested in every step of the design process.
Thank you for being patient with me when Cedric needed a break or was doing trivia. I will always appreciate your attempt to rig the maze challenge in my favor that almost paid off - if Cedric hadn't gotten wise to it, my score would have been enough to win.
Thank you for not eating me.
A huge thank you to every single viewer that read my confessionals and to those who gave me some much needed emotional support with your post likes.
That applies x10 to anyone who actually replied to my confessional threads, especially my weekly Tarot readings. Interacting with PWs is something I find really energizing and sustaining - I really do try to do my best to inform and entertain the audience whenever I play a game so any time I get that interaction and feedback is really re-affirming and encourages to do my best in the game in my confessional and in my gameplay.
An extra special thanks to:
- PW Dean Thomas for always reading through and providing likes to my posts. Your commitment to this game as a viewer must be incredible and during the slower rounds it was sometimes a really big support to see your likes still showing up to tell me im not alone.
-PW Fang for randomly posting "Bark" in my confessional every single round. I still don't speak dog and I have no idea why you did it, but I looked forward to it every round, it was my favourite recurring joke of the season and I always smiled to see it.
-The Mandrake for being willing to abandon your purpose in life when i unpotted you so that there wouldn't be a cure for my petrification of Snape.
-Dumbledore who I assumed was a PW because he wasn't posting on the board publicly or participating in challenges.