I really was ready to go 24 hours but i forget to post and now my time is 40 fucking minutes. If i leave at 4, there is literally nobody I can blame but my fucking self. Fuckkk man I know have to suck up to Jenn for 3 fucking days and pray to god she brings me. This is so fucking annoying man lol.
Had to go with my gut there and keep Mike. I honestly thought there was a chance Mike could be playing me and voting me with Harrison but I just took the risk. I swore to Mike I wouldn't vote him out and he did the same, so I would just feel like a terrible person to cut him over someone like Harrison who votes me for no reason at all. Like seriously, the guy is so obsessed with me that he knows he would be the only vote for me, yet does it anyways wtf.
Jenn is extremely pissed at me, which i completely get. I really considered myself someone who would cut anyone and anything to win, and that just has not been the case for me this season. I couldn't cut Jenn and I couldn't cut my boy Mike. I do understand theres a chance they both get more votes than I do, but like at this point i'm okay with that. I feel like i have played the best game I could possibly have played, all while keeping this game intense and entertaining at the same time. I have basically been the main reason for EVERY single merge vote. In a game filled with blindside after blindside, I haven't been blindsided once, not ONCE. I said it after the Anders vote, "You can't blindside me, I do the blindsiding" and i've stayed true to that. If the jury votes strictly on gameplay and who DESERVES it, it should be me by a landslide. But this is Survivor and it just isn't that easy. People will vote for their friends and they will vote on who was nicer to them, and if thats the case I will probably lose, which is fine.
Even on the last vote of the season with just 3 people to choose from, I was able to make it a 2-1-1 blindside. I would rather play this crazy ass type of game and lose to one of my close allies, than be a boring ass gamebot and win against some scrubs.