I feel like I have all these highly eloquent thoughts in my head and when I sit down to explain them they just come out like a 5 year old splicing ideas together without any continuity...
A) I'm forming bonds with the other team. Most notably with Gibson who has beef from before the game with Adrianne, which works for me because I can't ever trust her after seeing how she played on our old team. I told him that I was willing to ditch she and Dustin but that's gotten back around to our team.
B) Mike, Jay, and Alex I trust and want to keep working with into the merge portion of the game. Jay (foolishly, in my opinion) told all of old blue team that he had the idol and wants to single-handedly take out one of the purple people at this next tribal if possible. More power to him and I'm certainly not throwing anything... do you, boo.