After a successful plan it's hard to see a clear path of where to go from here. Discussing options and the goal of saddling up next to Mike for the next few days.
Making the choice to give Mike immunity this round did the least social damage with the rest of the tribe while it keeps him safe. He is annoying everyone and while I ultimately find him endearing and think he would be honest, him being a little difficult to stomach makes him a great ally at this point in the game.
It feels fantastic to be able to lighten the load while not assuming any risk of falling flat on my face... at least for tonight.
Ok so I figured out the Jay thing. I guess adrianne told him last minute about the Anders plan and unwittingly put him in a really shitty position as far as the HII twist goes. I just asked Jay about it and we ended up having a great conversation that will hopefully resolve itself as a firm alliance.
I just have to say your wardrobe is adorable, and if I end up teaching english (I'm assuming from the Othello essays that are due) I hope I bring it like you do