We had a tragic boot and blindside in Sarena. Will this shake up the dynamics on Utren? Or are Jacob and Andrew just dead in the water?
We've got a "new" challenge coming up. It's new for Endure but not exactly a new concept. So get ready for that. It's a creative one so we know those can be fun or trainwrecks or both.
Both tribes are probably ready for merge but they better get ready for at least a few more rounds in the dark.
This darkness shit is really causing for major gameplay super early. No actual vote has been straightforward at all other than the Tony one. The merge is going to be a big hot mess.
This was the least ideal boot out of the Utren minority!! It's too bad Sarena was just associated with the wrong people out of the gate and couldn't recover her position. It was a pleasure watching you Serena :)
knowing the challenge, and both tribes, I would say based on what I know - I'd give Utren the edge... it's honestly hard to say till they start the challenge, but my gut is saying Utren in theory should be the stronger tribe at this challenge
[5/21/18, 11:26:29 PM] Dan Kilby: im messier in this game than power struggle lmfao
[5/21/18, 11:26:37 PM] Jordan: :O
[5/21/18, 11:26:43 PM] Jordan: why do you think you’re messy?
[5/21/18, 11:26:57 PM] Dan Kilby: i just did a LEGIT blindside at the first real tribal
[5/21/18, 11:27:28 PM] Dan Kilby: uh
[5/21/18, 11:27:37 PM] Dan Kilby: every single person in a 5 person alliance only talks to me
So Andrew told the tribe about the clues and I guess he told them he got them both times he voted in the minority so now the whole tribe knows that's how you get the clues. Kilby originally told some people he casted a stray vote when Tony left and he didn't realize that's how he got the clue. So now that people know that that's how you get the clue, they're realizing Kilby lied about the clues and Jayden is confronting him hardcore right now.
recorded jayden confronting kilby will be posting in two segments, one parts from my phone cause i didn't have time to set up and i didn't want to miss anythign