Come on in and take a seat.
We'll now bring in the members of the Jury --
Tyler - Misty - Matt - Fabio - and Matty, voted out at the last Tribal Council.
Alright, here are some questions before we get voting.
Brett, congratulations on winning Immunity! Do you believe you needed it?
Chelsea, what concerns you more - a challenge, physical, or social threat?
Ciera, you saved yourself with an Idol and then were involved in the revote - how are you feeling about your chances tonight?
Francesca, you've had Immunity for the last two rounds - now you're vulnerable. Nervous it could be you tonight?
Hali, how nervous are you tonight on a scale from 1-10?
John, with the finale rapidly approaching - what is 'camp life' like? Is the mood tense?
If there is a tie at Tribal Council, there will be a re-vote between the tied players. If there is still a tie, those who received votes will be immune, and the remaining players will draw rocks. The player to draw the purple rock will be eliminated.
Any items you may have may be transferred to another player as long as they are on your current tribe. If you wish to play or transfer a prize, you must state so clearly in your confessional.